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I was soon called to the boss's office. That is Mr. Morgan's office. FINALLY. This was the end of my suffering, my anxious moments. I will finally be able to find peace with a resignation letter. At least, no more waiting for the worst. Look at the brighter side Audrey. Nope, can't see any light, no brightness only darkness. That's my life.

I gently knocked on the door. It was so gentle that even I had trouble hearing. There came no reply. I waited for little over a minute, when I silently hoped that it was just ignored and I could go back to my desk to my lovely pile of work. But of course, I couldn't. I wanted no more trouble. So, I knocked once again, thinking that maybe the first one wasn't heard.

And I was right. Mr. Morgan's personal assistant opened the door for me and I peeped in to see my department head, Mrs. Beckam and Jose already in the room. It looks like a party in here.

I finally walk in to greet everyone.

"Please have a seat, Miss Jones." Mr. Morgan says faintly. Oh boy! It seems like I will be here for a long time. Yay!

I thank him as I quietly settle down in my seat. I look towards Jose who is standing right across from me with his head down. I wonder why he wasn't offered a seat. I look to my side to find Mrs. Beckam giving me judgmental looks. Fine! Judge me all you want.

Mr. Morgan finally clears up his throat and says "I am sure you both are aware of your respective actions?"

I simply nod and Jose does too. I feel like we both are just too embarrassed to even utter a word at this point.

"Mr. Ledger came to me and we discussed this whole situation."

"Of course, he did." I muttered under my breath. I can't even tolerate his name. Mr. Ledger. Huh, bastard.

Mr. Morgan then leaned forward on the table and said "Even if he did not come to me, I would still find out. I keep track of whatever happens in my company."

I literally froze. He heard? But I thought it wasn't audible. Way to go! Make things worse for yourself. I look at him and give him a faint smile. What else could I do? I looked to my side and found Mrs. Beckam staring daggers at me. The hell? She heard too? How loud was I exactly?

"Anyway." Mr. Morgan cleared his throat again and continued. "Mr. Ledger was kind enough to let me handle this matter how ever I pleased and decided on not charging Jose with the amount of all the damage caused to his expensive...stuff." He said that last word looking directly at me. Umm, I did not damage any of his stuff. Even though I want to now.

I looked at Jose and he looked kinda relieved. Well good for him.

"But..." of course there is more. "Jose, what you did wasn't acceptable at all. If it goes on like this, God knows how many more accidents you will cause. You need to stop rushing. I have had many complaints regarding your...issue. You have been given warnings in the past as well so consider this your last warning. Anything else goes wrong, you know the consequences."

I looked at Jose and he simply nodded unable to utter a single word.

"Mr. Ledger is a very important client and an even more important personality. What you did could have cost us the whole deal. This deal may just put us on the front seat. Your actions put the whole company at risk. I am really grateful that Mr. Ledger dealt with this whole matter kindly, which is very unlike him..." Mr. Morgan trailed off as if he was deep in thought. "Anyway, what's done is done, you know what you need to do Jose." He looks towards Jose who again simply nods. "I expect a word." Says Mr. Morgan.

Then comes Jose's little "Yes sir, I understand."

"You may leave now." Oh leave? That's it? No resignation letter? I can leave? Nothing more? I don't get any warnings? I practically slap myself. What the heck am I even thinking, it is a good thing. I should leave. I slowly get up from me seat and prepare to leave when Mr. Morgan's voice stops me.

"Not you, Miss Jones." Oh f^ck. I jinxed it. "Mrs. Beckam, you may get back to your work as well?"

"All right sir." Mrs. Beckam, she gave me one final judgmental look before she stood up and left. Jose following.

After they both left the room, I slowly turned towards Mr. Morgan and found him already seated in his chair, going through a file. Oh boy! This is going to be a tough ride.

"Audrey, settle down please." He said without looking up.

I did, I did settle down with a very unsettling, uneasy feeling.

Mr. Morgan finally looked up and said "I am pretty sure you are aware of what you have done Audrey." I look down at my hands and simply nod, unable to form any sentences. "I appreciate you trying to stand up for your colleague but not without knowing the whole situation. Your rash behavior has caused us more issues than Jose's little stunt." My heart literally stopped for a moment there. He wouldn't harm the company, right?

"I take full accountability for my own actions sir, I surely jumped onto conclusions and failed to notice the details."

"You are an important asset to our company, you're a very talented designer. I was surprised to see this kind of behavior from you." He sighed. "When I discussed this situation with Mr. Ledger, he specifically said that he wanted to deal with you on his own." My jaw dropped on the floor.

What does he think of himself? Deal with me? What is he going to do? And why did he have to say this to Mr. Morgan.

"What does he want?" I ask. Curiosity and worry both growing in me. I mean, i'm thankful that he did not take his anger out on the whole company. I would not want Mr. Morgan to pay for my mistakes.

He sighed, again and said "I have no idea. But here's what I want you to do..."

"And that is?"

"I want you to go and apologize to him personally."

"Sir, with all due respect I don't think I can do that. I understand that the way I behaved was completely unacceptable but you also need to know that Mr. Ledger is not exactly a pleasant human being. He behaved very disrespectfully with me. My reactions were simply caused by his actions." I understand Mr. Morgan's perspective but Ledger doesn't deserve my apology.

"I understand you point Audrey, but i know what kind of a man Zayden is. I don't want him to come for you or the company. By what I know, you disrespected him as well...and he doesn't take that well. And I am also quite surprised that he dealt with this so calmly. He is known for quite the opposite. So, I really think there's something going on in his mind. So, I suggest we take a peaceful route. Zayden isn't exactly the type who'll sit quietly after all this."

"After all this?" I ask in disbelief. "Mr. Morgan, whatever happened wasn't even such a big deal. Fine his expensive clothes and watch got ruined but I am pretty sure with the kind of money he has he can buy a whole shopping mall."

"Zayden Ledger is a big deal, Audrey. He shouldn't be messed with and you already did. He has overtaken, even destroyed many companies, not because he wanted them but only because they dared to go against him."

"He needs help." Such a conceited man. "I can't tolerate him sir. How do you expect me to apologize?"

He shrugged and said "You have to control your feelings. This company is all I have and all the employees working can't lose their jobs. We can't go against Ledger. And we also need this deal"

I hate to say this but he does have a point. I don't want everyone to lose their jobs and I definitely can't afford to lose mine. I have no choice but to agree.

"Fine. I will go see him and apologize personally." I assure him and stand up to leave.

"Thank you, Audrey." He says as I open the door.

"Of course, sir." And I walk out.

Great now I'll have to go see that jerk in person. Ugh. He makes me feel so frustrated. Mad surprisingly we have met for only a few hours or so and he already has this big effect on me. I just really hope that our second meet doesn't end up in a disaster. Again.

Enough, enough thinking about Ledger the great Bastard. My brain will literally explode. Coffee, I need some coffee. And Kimberly. I have this big fat urge to rant.


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