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Once that rich prick was out of sight I turned towards Jose "What happened here?" I should have asked that before...wait I did. And I did not get any answer.

He simply looked down and refused to answer and here I was running low on my patience. My mind, my stomach, even my soul was twisted at this point, if I had to handle anything else, I'll go crazy.

"Jose, I just defended you. Hell, I got into trouble for that, so the least you could do is give me answers."

He finally looked up. Fear clearly visible in his eyes, his face was as pale as day. "I am sorry, you had to get involved..."

"I am still waiting on the actual reason Jose." Zero patience I had right now.

"I..." he started fidgeting with his t-shirt with one hand and the other was curled up in a fist, it was clear he was scared and anxious but I need to know if I getting involved in this whole situation was worth it. "I bumped into him..." he continued.

"Really? All this commotion for that! Because you bumped into him?" I was so pissed right now, the vein in my forehead would probably pop. I can't believe that man. I was right, he is a rich prick.

"And spilled coffee..." Jose said softly, so softly that I almost missed it but when I actually understood what he said...I felt numb. I risked my whole career for this? Jose was the one at fault?

"You did what?" I shrieked; my voice was so high that it even hurt my ears.

He started bawling...oh great. He is crying? I should be the one crying and running for my life at the same time. "I wasn't looking and bumped right at him, spilled all my coffee on him." He took a few breaths and started crying again "On his expensive tom ford suit." I could not feel my toes anymore.

"A tom ford suit? That must have been a few thousand dollars?" it was black, that's why I couldn't see the stain. Or at least that's how I am trying to justify the fact that I missed this huge detail. I guess my hate for rich bastards took over. And blinded me.

"It was probably worth our entire salary." I did not know whether I should start crying or laughing. He then opened his fist and the bowl of the paper cup fell right out. If only I would've enquired first instead of jumping onto conclusions...if only I would've thought before I spoke. "I..." he tried to speak but nothing. He probably was feeling the same way as me.

"No no please continue..." I said sarcastically. I should've known, the way Jose always rushed, this was due. But poor boy...I also kinda feel bad.

"The coffee also spilled on his hands..." I raised my eyebrows and urged for him to continue. I was only bracing myself for what was coming next but it was not enough. "His watch..." that's it that was enough.

I couldn't feel my legs at this point. I refuse to feel bad for him now. I always tried to stand up for the right but this time...I was blinded by my hate for the rich took over my sense of judgment.

"I don't even know what to say Jose."

"I am sorry that you got involved in this mess."

"No, it was my decision to get involved so might as well bear the consequences." I only sighed, unable to think straight anymore.

This is what I get for trying to stand up for the right, instead I was in the wrong. Jose always rushes and just like him, I rush onto conclusions. Just because he is rich doesn't necessarily mean that he'll always be at fault. I need to get rid of my mentality and this stereotype I have about rich people. Everyone's not the same. Even though Ledger was a rude jerk he was not at fault.

For the rest of the day, i was only waiting to be called to the boss's office. With each passing second my anxiety only grew. I saw Jose running with files and locked eyes with him. He also looked anxious. I couldn't concentrate on work anymore. It was too difficult for me.

During lunch, I filed Kim on all the drama and she almost choked on her food. I offended the billionaire today and almost killed my best friend. Is there anything left? Oh yes! I could rob a bank...I felt so so stupid for whatever I did.

But wait, it doesn't change the fact that he disrespected me. But yeah, I technically got myself involved in a situation I should've stayed far away from. And literally miles away from that obnoxious man.

"Damn girlie, is this the new way to get into the pants of a sexy rich bastard?"

I simply rolled my eyes ignoring her comment and looked out the huge glass windows and saw at least 3 black SUVs exit the parking lot and leave our company building. We were actually sitting at a café right opposite to our company. This gave us a direct view of the entrance of our building.

"Looks like your handsome billionaire just left. Expensive as f^ck cars though."

"My handsome billionaire?"

"I mean, you screwed him, right?" she started laughing like crazy and here I was losing my f^cking mind.

"Seriously Kim?" I literally had no appetite and was only fidgeting with my fork. Anxiety probably.

"Well at least you got his attention." She winked at me.

I couldn't believe this girl. "Attention that I did not want at all."

She then put down her fork and reached out for me and put her hand on top of mine, on the table. "Look Rey, I know you are worried, but there's nothing you could do right now hun, whatever happened it's in the past, you can't change that. So cut yourself some slack and just enjoy your lunch." Her words were kinda reassuring.

I simply nodded and couldn't help but agree to her. What she said was right. I should have thought before taking any action. There's no point regretting it now. I did what I did, all I can do now is wait and accept the consequences. Whatever it may be. But one thing is for sure, I can't deal with that man at all. I know I judged him too quick or whatever but my judgment about him was right, even though Jose made the mistake, he still was a jerk.

I closed my eyes for a moment to compose myself and somehow saw his devilish yet gorgeous face smirking at me. I quickly opened my eyes and felt like wiping that smirk off his handsome face.

Did I just?

What the heck?

Handsome face? Gorgeous face?


I think I am losing my mind.
I hate Ledger.


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