Part 27 - Sinaloa

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'Sinaloa' was the name of the yacht Teresa owned in the Novel "La Reina del Sur" by Arturo Perez Reverte.

The Mexican production 'La Reina del Sur', S1 E50, shows Teo giving her the yacht and taking her onboard for the first time.


The text read that his Uber was 15 minutes out. James had refused to be driven to the airport to avoid scenes and the reflections that accompanied them. But he just couldn't leave without seeing Teresa, although he knew she knew exactly when he had to leave, and he expected her to show up from somewhere. He walked to the pool area and heard his daughter's voice: "You should not get up, Mom, because the mask is going to fall off your face!"

James found Teresa lying on a reclining chair, her face covered with a greenish clumpy substance, her hair pulled back, Suzie and Lupe expertly hustling around her. Kelly Anne sat to the side sipping a soda, hair tied in the same fashion, but her face was clean, her bare pale arms still bruised and scraped from the accident. Louise and Vivienne were trying to play cards on the other side of the pool, but none seemed to be able to enjoy it as their faces showed. Louise's one arm and hand were still bandaged.

Suzie turned to James and said in response to his curious face: "This is a facial, Dad! Lupe and I made it from boiled rice, honey and avocado. It's not for boys!"

"I see..." James smiled, then hovered over Teresa: "Can a boy kiss his girl goodbye, when she is having a facial?"

Suzie laughed and after saying a quick goodbye herself got busy with the remaining facial mixture. James ruffled his daughter's hair and then looked again at Teresa who also sported healing bruises on her legs, arms and neck.

She had opened her eyes wide: "Yes, if he wants green on his face, he can kiss her for sure!"

James touched his index finger to his lips and then touched her mouth gently: "I'm off. Will call you when it's done!"

"Why not call me when you land?" she asked.

"No need for extra communications." He said shortly.

"Only with Avi?" She had heard him talk to Avi three times already.

James wrinkled his nose: "His comms are secure!"

He seemed to stop for a second to think, then he bent down, making a raspberry with his mouth and giving Teresa a smack on the mouth, trying to avoid touching her face. But unsuccessfully! She had to wipe a speck of green from his nose before he could lift himself up.

James checked his watch and decided to get his carry-on and wait for the uber outside, but before he had gotten back in the house, Kelly Anne had stood up and had come by his side.

"You're done with your facial?" He teased her. She was still very unstable despite that four days had passed since the accident.

"Yep" She mumbled. "Be safe, okay!" she added and looked down and he knew she had teared up again.

He didn't want to tell her not to cry and to be strong. She had the right to be broken, she needed to let it all out, so he put his arm around her shoulders and let her stare down: "I will be extra careful. When I'm done with this bitch, the family will be whole again, I promise!"

She only shook her bent head yes, and James went on: "You need to relax. Maybe have a mojito..."

"Don't want alcohol..." she interrupted, voice trembling. "Makes me super emotional...and Pote...he...ahh...!"

Pote had come out of the kitchen just then and had stopped short upon seeing them.

James's eyes caught his; James shook his head 'no' slowly to make him wait and then said: "Pote is right here....and he knows you're not well, so he'll take you out for a walk on the beach...maybe he'll take you to shoot at the range...or hit the boxing bag at the let some of this steam out...It helps, believe me!"

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