Part 11 - No Todo Lo Que Brille Es Oro

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James hated the London fog, as it looked like steam escaping from the street gutters and made one feel the chill in their bones, at the same time turning the city into shades of gray. London in March was as obnoxious as Chicago in winter! He couldn't believe that just two weeks ago he and Teresa had enjoyed lazy mornings in Paris, with a view of La Tour Eiffel from their window, and now he was chasing a secretary in some sketchy neighborhoods.

At least the wind had died down, when they stopped in front of the office building again.

James reasoned that Jenna, the secretary, could have gotten on the road a long time ago, but there was the chance that she hadn't! He didn't leave stones unturned, so he forced himself to look, and sound composed as they entered the office building again.

There was a different woman at reception, who smiled unpleasantly and advised them that Jenna Rourke had not yet come to work. Maybe she was working from home today! No insistence could make her give out her address. Then her phone rang, and she was called into one of the adjacent offices.

Of course, she locked her computer screen! James had not expected it to be that easy. He couldn't help but notice that her clothes and shoes had seen better times. A quick look at her desk revealed a picture of three children of different young ages sitting on the hood of an old Honda, dressed in oversized hand-me-downs.

"You're still here!" the woman said impatiently as she came back carrying a huge binder.

James pulled out the roll of cash he always carried on him.

"How about you get yourself some coffee...", he peeled off a few hundred dollar bills, and as her eyes eagerly followed his movements, he peeled a few more.

She put out her hand saying: "I'm due for a 10 minute break anyway...password is 'johnycat'...Look for a shortcut in the lower right corner of the screen!" She stuffed the bills in her blouse and walked out.


As their vehicle had been compromised the previous day, they had left it at the hotel, and James had been prepared to ride the famous London Tube. Much to his surprise though, he had felt an adrenaline rush when Chicho had shown him the two Yamaha bikes parked on the side street from the hotel. Stealing bikes was not something he thought he would be doing ever again, but he shrugged and went along.


Jenna Rourke lived in a two story building bordering on a green ravine. She opened the door cautiously and once James got his foot in, she realized it was useless to try to close the door, so she let them in.

She played 'hard to get' and James figured she too needed cash, so he offered: "Look, Jenna! You would have died yesterday...your boss and his little gang don't care about you."

"It's not like you do!" she glared at him.

"I saved your life...didn't I?" James was getting annoyed.

"Touche!" she said. "I assume you are some undercover cops...or...", she let her voice trail off.

"We'll pay you to talk so we can locate Lancaster, but you're better off not knowing!" Chicho was getting annoyed with her stupid questions.

She looked them up and down: "Americans?"

"Yeah...I'm sure we sound like it!" James handed her five bills and added: "Start talking about the ...ahh...LIIP you mentioned yesterday! If you give us good information, I will give you another $500."

She sighed and dragged her hand through her hair, which gesture was way too familiar for James, so he sensed her doubts: "Are you in any danger here? Because someone knows we are looking for Lancaster...They set the fire to destroy evidence."

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