Part 9 - Are You Asking Me To Make A Decision For You?

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"The doctor said a trip away from the place where the incident happened would be good for him!" James wasn't certain he wanted his son with him in London looking for information on a VC who had ghosted Marcel and Chicho, but he didn't expect danger, besides the boy would be safe in the presence of three ex narcos. However, Teresa was not convinced, and James felt it difficult to balance not disturbing her mental state and doing what was best for Tony's mental state.

"I've never been so scared!" She puffed and huffed after Tony had defiantly said he was going with the men. "We've had it easy as parents...we're so vulnerable!"

"Why?" James needed to acknowledge her statement although he did feel vulnerable as a parent who had to teach his kids things, but who knew full well he couldn't always protect them.

"We have 3 kids...if anything was to happen to them", her hand went through her hair, and she nervously tied it in a messy bun. "I'd even say 5 kids...because Pote's girls are like my own..."

"That's part of life...", James understood but didn't know how to help her drop these thoughts: "That's why I'm hesitant getting involved in matters that may turn out to be ...sketchy...but helping Marcel is very important to you, so...", he couldn't finish as she interrupted him:

"What do I do? I'm pulled in two opposite directions...and Pote's reaction...can't stop thinking about me please, guide me...What would you have me do?", she sat on the bed and stared ahead.

James was silent for a minute considering her words: "You asked me to help you the other night ...and I will! ...But it was about finding information...Are you now asking me to make a decision for you?" She had told him a long time ago not to make decisions for her and he had respected that, so he couldn't help but wonder now.

Teresa sighed deeply and mumbled a 'yes'. To him it meant she felt really fragile, so he sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders: "Let me first see what I can find, okay?"

She nodded and laid her head on his shoulder.


James quizzed both Marcel and Chicho on their detailed recollections of meeting the VC, a man by the name of Lawrence Lancaster, getting to do business with him first in the US, and then getting convinced to expand internationally. After they had no more details to share, James warned them that this op was 'his' and they had to follow his lead.

"I was so ...astonished when Teresa...decided to help us...keeping in mind the, I'd let you have the lead for sure!" Marcel noted, shaking his head.

James neither liked, nor disliked the man. But he clearly remembered things quickly going south when he had met him for the first time, having been sent to assist his escape from Louisiana, when Marcel had stupidly defied him to meet with Lucien, and had ended up betrayed.

This reckless decision and later stubbornness had not impressed James at all. So, he decided to make things clear: "She needs to do this. I have told you before she'd help others...and get herself in risky situations! I'm going along with it ...for support her...because her life has been one long trauma...and I'd help her get closure, but not at any cost!"

Both Marcel and Chicho nodded in silent agreement, while Tony gave his father a weird look.


A little while later Tony removed his earphones and turned to James: " So, when they build this resort in Thailand...can we go visit?"

James chuckled: "Sure...but let's not put the cart before the horse!"

"I've never been to ...a resort! Tony said. "I'd be very interested to see what a high end one has to offer...what entertainment there is ...and maybe I'd meet a girl there...or two...", the boy looked through the window while James couldn't figure out where this line of thought had originated.

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