Part 14 - Team Work

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Teresa was ushered through a long winding corridor after going through a metal detector and having her purse searched. The Mossad headquarters were no joke. She had never been in a facility of such size and importance, so she walked slowly and looked around. Avi had issued security passes for all of them for the first floor, where most visitors were ever allowed.

The accompanying officer finally stopped in front of a door and knocked. Teresa heard a voice respond and once the officer opened the door and let her pass in, she was greeted warmly by Samara Volkova Moshe and introduced to Anat Moshe, who both switched to English immediately.

"The substances recovered at the scene are both fertilizer and chemical waste", Anat Moshe held a report and passed it on to Teresa. "My brother was briefed that they still can't say what process exactly generated this specific chemical waste...a process that they have either in this facility or in some other one in Israel. It's baffling!"

"And the chemical lab had not offered any better clues because so far all they could link it to was the legal production of fertilizer", Samara added.

"I understand your lawyer suggested that you could try to void the sale of the land in Thailand if you could prove the seller didn't disclose known the land being polluted?" Anat asked.

"Yes, Kelly Anne is an American lawyer...and she is looking into whether this even possible in Thailand", Teresa said: "But for that to happen, we need to first locate the seller...and he is gone missing."

"I saw his goons chase Chicho, Marcel and your husband in London...I'm certain his team is on the run because they have things to hide. So, we called you here to work on a game plan because I understand you are the person who will be making the final decision to replace Lancaster... or the resort's development, right?" Anat waited patiently.

"It's me...and my husband. I own the Venture Cap...but I have him assessing the risks and I...ahh", Teresa was looking for words as Anat took over: "Fair enough. I understand the men went with my brother to see how the interrogation of the two Blackridge operatives would go...behind a mirror obviously."

"The interrogation has moved on in a positive direction!" Samara lifted her eyes from her cell and shook her head: "There's an update loaded...So, one of the men is actually a Palestinian born in Jerusalem to a mother who is an Israeli citizen...So, we don't have to recognize his British citizenship. We treat him a local..."

As Teresa looked at her askance, Samara continued: "There's different rules for Israelis vs. foreigners. The UK embassy cannot do zilch to interfere and provide him with assistance. He has to talk, else...", she didn't finish.

"What will happen to him?" Teresa asked cautiously.

Anat had pulled out her phone to see her updates and responded: "After some decent 'treatment'...if he wants to play hard to get...he'll be tossed in prison...If he cooperates, he'll get a deal...I'm sure my brother will use his ingenuity to get him to talk!"


The meeting had lasted some more time and they had even called Kelly Anne to check if her research on Thai law had given any results. So far, there have been no developments.

They discussed the possible methods of tracking Lancaster, maybe even involving Interpol. Anat assured Teresa that Mossad had enough material to be lawfully engaged in the search for the owner of the facility where chemical waste was recovered and that no part of their assistance would be considered or would look like doing favors for friends.

Half an hour later the men joined them as the interrogation had been given a break.

"Wilson started talking!" Avi announced with a vibrant tone. "He sounds very English, just as his name...but the UK isn't going to ask for any leniency or extradition as his mother carries an Israeli passport...he is from the Occupied Territories...and dealing with them is this Agency's mandate!"

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