Part 6 - When It Rains It Pours

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James was ready to hang up when Pote finally picked up. Teresa had gone out for a walk in the cold, a thing that she would not have enjoyed under any circumstances, and as much as James believed she was falling again in her risk taking mode, Pote's direct and vivid opposition to any help for Marcel and Chicho didn't sit well with him. It was actually a surprise as Pote had risked his life to save Chicho from Boaz, and Marcel had helped him a lot back then. So, James decided that no preamble was necessary: "You gotta pick your battles more carefully, Pote!"

After Pote just grumbled, James went on: "I'm not gonna fight with Teresa over this... it's important to her, don't you get it?"

"What do you mean pick your fights? Huh?...Actually I know what you mean...but I don't think you have once stomped your foot like a man and said 'no', cabron!" James didn't expect an attack that fast.

"Ha...Actually, I have!" he said.

"When?" It felt like everyone was in a bad mood and sporting to fight!

"Who do you think made her give up buying a damn diamond mine....or opening a casino?...She had ideas long time ago...that if Taza could run one, so should she...I did!" James hadn't shared anything about Teresa's desire to open a casino after their trip to Vegas a few years back, but Pote for sure had to remember her ideas to buy a diamond mine because not only did she have the ideas, but Kelly Anne had a seller lined up.

"Oh?' was all Pote said. Maybe he didn't remember! James thought.

"Yeah...oh!" James felt the buzz and couldn't hold himself. He was displeased by the whole Marcel reappearance, not because of Marcel per se, but because of his issues that seemed more dire with every new piece of information. " I said 'no'...both these businesses brew crime in the background...but this thing...helping Marcel...redeeming herself...doesn't seem that dangerous... It's a resort development and some pollution on a piece of land, for fuck's sakes! I hate having us fight over it! We just need to put limits but still support each other."

The answer James expected came right on: "She redeemed herself...I personally handed this cabron...a few millions to develop the NOLA waterfront...he brought Chicho into it, but I'm sure his black ass has been making the main decisions that have resulted in this mess!"

"That may be so, but if you know Teresa... you'd know she won't give up...that's the right thing to do, it gives her the ability to look at herself in the mirror!" James wanted her to not be that stubborn but his inner self propelled him to defend her, no matter what!

"Uhhh!' another grumble from Pote.

"I know it's overwhelming", James went on: "when she decides something and doesn't let go...because it's the right thing to do...I mean she's done it before with the hotel maid... you remember what she made us do and dropped the biz in Malta for the Russian girls...that's her, man...that's who she is!"

"What maid?' came a surly question.

James realized Pote had not been part of the team when Teresa had defied the odds and saved the maid Camila had ordered sacrificed. He gave Pote a quick summary to only hear him say: "Still can't risk half of our children's future for that!"

"We won't...Marcel and Chicho want us on the project all the time, not only for security but for help, more eyes, more minds...and the splitting of the businesses will ensure the Bank can't touch a big chunk of our money...if push comes to shove." James felt like he was trying to convince himself as much as Pote.

"Or that...ahh", Pote hesitated, but then after a deep exhalation it all came out: "Or if....ahhh...Teresa decides tomorrow to go against all of us and throw more money...endangering all save Marcel!"

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