Closest Friend.51

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Moon Pov

I was riding my bike and moving towards oppa warehouse but the tears are continuously falling form my eyes I loved him I trusted him but in return he doubted me what if his love was also a hoax

Soon I reached to warehouse I was angry and upset at the same time everyone was there mourning on namjoon death I walked towards his coffin and shot his closed eyes everyone was looking at me unnie came and dragged me to oppa cabin

Hwasa:luna what was that huh..... *yelled angrily*

Moon:unnie he was a betrayer he was about to kill you,hoseok and oppa *yelled angrily*

Hwasa:wait isn't just one thing, there's more, isn't it? *raised eyebrow*

As soon as unnie said that I ran towards her and hugged her tightly I started crying and she was creasing my back

Hwasa:luna what happened why are you crying tell me *concern tone*

Moon:unnie hoseok didn't trusted me he doubted on me unnie *crying hard*

Hwasa:calm down Luna what happened tell me everything clearly *concern tone*

Moon:last night in the restaurant in the washroom I was talking to a boy about something and hoseok heard that he thought I was cheating on him unnie I always trusted him why he did that *throwed everything here and there*

Hwasa:ahh...luna please calm down and tell me everything clearly

Moon:today on the morning he came to my room but that time he saw some texts on my phone *showing her texts* and i agree those text were not normal but still he should've asked me about that before doubting on me *serious tone*

Hwasa:i know you're right but luna I think hoseok is also right in his place for example if I will saw these types of texts in yoongi phone I will also doubted him *calm tone*

Moon:but still unnie I know that before ignoring him you'll surely ask him about those texts but in my case hoseok didn't do this he just ignored me unnie I loved him like a mad person I can't bear his ignorance and now when i know that he ignored me just cuz of some doubt i am really very angry and sad *crying very hard*

Hwasa:luna come here and don't cry ok *creasing her head*

After sometime I went to my house and throwed myself in the bed ahhh.......hoseok I am missing you but yes I this we really need a break *staring at her engagement ring*

--*Next Morning*--

Moon Pov

I woke up and get ready I moved to the warehouse today namjoon closest friend is coming to meet him and also oppa is going choose 3 official members soon u reached there I saw everyone was near his coffin

Yoongi:can I know who did this *pointed at namjoon eyes*

Moon:I did what you gonna do about it *serious+deep voice*

Yoongi;nothing *rolls eyes* cuz I know he surely did something bad

Hoseok:hyung his closest friend is here

After seeing his close friend my and jimin  eyes get widen what that fuck is hyunjin doing here he ran towards the coffin and started fake crying by holding his dead body dear friend why you leaved me in this cruel world *fake crying*

Yoongi:ahh...don't cry Mr. we can't change it now *sympathetic look* namjoon now what will I do without you I also don't have any job *crying*

Jimin:are you seeing his crocodile tears *whispered to luna*

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