Old Friend.15

160 8 3

Luna Pov

Well today is the mafia party in which we can also bring our family member oppa is throwing the party but he didn't even asked me that if I wanted to come or not but its ok I am joining the party as Moon *smirk*

I walked downstairs and saw namjoon was sitting in the breakfast table while scrolling his phone wait did he really took my talk seriously about doing breakfast together ummm.....its ok let me enjoy his company I sat beside him he looked at me

Luna:good morning namjoon

Namjoon;good morning mam

Luna:ahh...please call me just Luna

Namjoon:ok well as you told me yesterday i am here to do breakfast with you *clamly*

Luna:that's good so let's start our breakfast

We both started eating and talked about some random stuffs after sometime we both was done with our breakfast i get up form the chair ready to go Taehyung office suddenly namjoon said

Namjoon:luna if you don't mind I can drop you yo your office

Luna:well...I mean are you free?

Namjoon:yes I am free

Luna:ok then lets go I am already late so it will be a good idea

We both sat on our car and soon we reached to my office where i work I get out form car and looked at him he was also looking at me without blinking

Luna:umm...ok namjoon you can go now and thank you so much for dropping me *smiles*

Namjoon:umm...its ok well are you coming in tonight's mafia party

Luna:well no i am not coming


Luna:firstly I don't like parties that much and secondly oppa never asks me if i wanted to come or not so yes I think staying home will be a good idea *sweet smile*

Namjoon:umm...if you want so I can give you company like I can also stay home without and we can watch movies or play games *hesitatingly*

What's with him how can that statue of ice melted so fast we are not even friends and he wants to stay with me strange but its ok maybe cuz I am so called sister of Mafia King Min Yoongi aka his boss that's why he is saying this

Luna:no no its ok you should enjoy the party and also I like staying alone afterall I was alone form past 17 years so I am used to it and once again thanks for asking and dropping me here *bow+walks away*

Ahhh....why he was acting like that ahhh...luna you're thinking much shrugging off my all thoughts I walked towards Tae cabin and I saw Liana and jk is also there ahhh....don't they have any work they always come here I walked towards them

Luna:hey guys *smile*

Liana:ahhh....luna what are wearing tonight in the party *excitedly*

Jk:ahh...liana did you forget that luna never comes in that party

Luna:well...thanks for reminding me jk *dissappointed look*

Jk:I mean sorry if it hurted you I didn't mean to hurt you

Luna:nah...its ok well you all never hurted me my own brother decision always hurted me *murmurs last sentence*

Liana:luna should stay with you to give you company *smiles*

Luna:no liana you 3 should go and enjoy the party and also you 3 know that I like being alone so don't worry

Tae:ahhh....I don't know why hyung never brings you in any mafia party *concern tone*

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