Glass Cage.47

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Jimin:well Luna

Luna:yes *dancing*

Jimin:I think you should be careful form taehyung Liana and jk *worried tone*

Luna:ahhhh... its ok jimin don't think much *dancing*

Jimin:you should tell hoseok about Liana behaviour

Luna:nah jimin its ok she is my best friend *smiles*

Jimin:ok but still

Luna:leave all this and come lets dance

Namjoon:hey Luna *fake smiles*

Luna:hey namjoon *smiles*

Namjoon:well have to say you're looking very beautiful especially your long hairs *smiles+touching her hair*

Luna:ohh....thanks *fake smile*

Namjoon:wanna dance with me *smiles*

Luna:no my fiance is wait8ng for me *fake smile*

--*Next Morning*--

Moon Pov

I woke up and get ready I stand infront of mirror and take the scissors and cut my hairs short in bob style I looked at myself for the last time and then I walked downstairs for my breakfast

Yoongi:good morning wait who are you *raised eyebrow*

Moon:your psycho killer sister *smirk*

Yoongi:you cut your hairs why? *amazed*

Moon:well just wanted to try something new *calm tone*

Hwasa:well...have to say this style totally suits you *smiles*

Moon:oh...thanks unnie you understands me *hugged her tightly*

Hwasa:Moon come lets have breakfast *smiles*

Moon:no no sorry i have to pick up my hot boyfriend and guess what I am already late *grabs an apple*

Yoongi:what why he can come in his own *annoyingly* dear old brother we both also have some works I hope you understand and if not then ask unnie *smirk+walks away*

Yoongi:wait luna-

Hwasa:aish....relax yoongi let her go she is not a child *sat beside her*

I started my bike abd moved towards Jung Mansion soon I reached there and knocked the door twice after sometime a maid came and opened the door I walked inside and saw Liana was lying on the couch

Liana:what the fuck are you doing here *yelled*

Moon:keep you voice low remember that you're talking to Moon not your so called friend Luna *coldly*

Liana:whatever *rolls eyes* why are you here what you want *yelled*

Moon:obviously your brother aka my fiance where is he *raised eyebrow*

Liana:ahh...he is  in his room *sits on the couch*

Moon:thanks by the way Liana accept me as your sister in law lovingly or I will make you accept me in my way *kissed her forehead* can't threat me I am your best friend *yelled*

Moon:whatever *walks upstairs*

I walked towards the hoseok room and opens it quietly I can hear the water sound form washroom I silently locked the door and sat on the bed spreading my legs after sometime he came outside wrapping the towel around his torso

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