I did a Sin.55

114 5 2

--*Next Morning*--

Moon Pov

I woke up and sat on my ved I checked my temprature and damn its normal and I am also feeling good ahhh...thanks to liana I walked towards the washroom and changed my outfit then I walked downstairs

Moon:good morning oppa and unnie *smiles*

Hwasa:good morning Moon *sad tone*

Moon:what happened unnie *raised eyebrow*

Yoongi:actually yesterday our diamonds get stolen by our enemies during the fight all my men's died and hyunjin also get harmed during the fight *focus on food*

Moon:what the hell oppa where is he *angry eyes*

Yoongi:no you're not going around him I know you'll harm him *serious tone*

Moon:oppa...he is tricking you he is the one who stole all diamonds *yelled angrily*

Yoongi:do you have any proof huh....why you and hwasa is thinking that he is wrong *yelled seriously*

Moon:ahhh...ok oppa relax well....I am going to warehouse cuz after few hours I have to go  for shopping *calm tone*

Yoongi:ok go ahead and take care *smile*

I sat on my bike and moved towards the warehouse ahhh......Hyunjin I know you did this but how to prove it fuck soon I reached to warehouse I walled inside and everyone bowed to me

I directly walked towards tae,jk,Liana and ryujin office I sae Liana was talking to jk I ran towards her and backhugged her tightly she smiled and turned towards ne

Liana:hey bitch how is your fever now *checks forehead*

Moon:well its gone *smiles*

Jk:good but let me remind you all our biggest shipment of black rare diamonds are also gone *angry tone*

Liana:relax jk we will find the thief soon *rubs his shoulder*

Ryujin:well I have doubt on someone *serious tone*


Ryujin;hyunjin *rolls eyes*

Moon:same babygirl same *rolls eyes*

Tae:hey she is only my babygirl *annoyingly*

Moon:whatever by the way where is jimin *asked to liana*

Jimin:you called me I am here my boss *bowed*

Moon:ahhh...jimin why you didn't came to meet me yesterday *hugs him*

Jimin:sorry Luna actually Lucy was having a hard day yesterday so I was with her *smiles*

Moon:ok no problem how she now

Jimin:she is good now

Tae;ahhh....who's face I saw in the morning *rolls eyes*

Jimin:why it seems like you always finds a excuse to argue with me *walks towards him*

Tae;well its just my emotions get out of control after seeing you around me *walks towards him*

Jimin:*smirk* which type of emotions *raised eyebrow*

Tae:ob-obviously an-anger or what *looks away*

Jimin:cool by the way are you coming in the cocktail party tonight *smirk+raised eyebrow*

Tae:yes I am coming *smirk*

Jimin:and what about you all *looked at everyone*

Jk & Liana:we are also coming *smiles* cuz afterall today is our engagement

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