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Luna Pov

Ahhhh........I was walking towards my oppa room I have to ask him something I was in very hurry suddenly I bumped into something hard I fell on the floor then I opened my eyes and saw a tall man infront of me his eyes are just like siren

He was staring me without blinking He gave me his hand I grabbed it and stand up he was still staring at me with serious face I was about to go inside oppa room but he blocked my way I stared at him with a pout

Luna:hey you let me go inside

He didn't said anything and just nodded in no

Luna:are you deaf let me go and who are you huh..... *raised eyebrow*

He again didn't said anything just rolled his eyes ahhh.......he is so annoying I walked towards him and tip toed just to his face clearly he gave me a dissappointed look then after sometime I saw yoongi oppa and hoseok oppa walked outside the room while laughing

Yoongi:luna what are you doing here?

Luna:oppa I wanted to ask you something but this statue didn't let me go inside *pout*

Hoseok:ohh...dear Luna he is not statue he is our most trusted men and bodyguard Kim Namjoon

Luna:ohhh...I see but he didn't even talk to me *pout*

Yoongi:namjoon she is my sister Min Luna you can talk to her *gummy smile*

Luna:hello namjoon oppa *smiles*

Namjoon:don't call me oppa *coldly*

Hoseok:ahhh.....don't mind him Luna he don't like when someone call him oppa *laughs*

Yoongi:luna what you want to talk

Luna:oppa actually my college is having a reunion so I have to go Japan for this can I go *doe eyes*

Yoongi:obviously Luna you don't have to ask ne just inform me once

Luna:ahhh...I love you oppa thank you *hugged him tightly*

Hoseok:you should take our bodyguard with you

Luna:nah oppa I don't want any one please

Hoseok:ok ok go ahead

After talking to him I walked towards my room and called my friends in conference

Luna:hello guys

Liana:hey my bitch *laughs*

Luna:yaaa....liana shut up don't talk like that *rolls eyes*

Tae:hey...luna *smiles*


Liana:why you called us

Luna:guys we have to cancel our plan for tommrow

Jk;why everyone was so excited

Luna:actually I am going Japan for my reunion that's why

Liana:umm....its ok we are childhood friends we can hangout any time you should enjoy your reunion for now *smiles*

Tae:I agree with her go and enjoy the reunion we will wait for you all are so good I love all of you

Jk:nah nah just love taehyung it will be enough for both of us *smirk*

Luna:what do you mean *confused*

Tae;nothing Luna don't mind him he just blabbers nonsense *death glare to jk*

Jk & Liana:*laughs* well we are taking our leave you both keep talking *smiles*

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