Chapter 14: iThink You Took It Too Far

Start from the beginning

Sam's eyes watered as she began to breath heavy. After a deep breath, she started to relay her response.

"I just don't like Griffin, okay?" said Sam. "I'm sorry, but I just think you could do so much better. You're perfect, and he doesn't deserve you. You already gave him a chance and it didn't work out. I thought that if I broke you two up, you would realize that there are better people to date. After seeing how upset you and everyone else were, I realized that I was wrong." Sam took a step back from Carly to give herself some space. To her relief, Carly didn't move forward again. "I was wrong, Carly. I ruined this whole night and I'm sorry. I know nothing I say is going to make up for what I did, but I'm sorry."

Carly's fists were now clenched by her sides. Sam noticed them and was ready to brace herself if Carly decided to swing. After a few seconds of silence and a death stare from Carly, her fists unclenched. Her body was no longer tensed up.

"Sam, Griffin has been nothing but great to me," said Carly. "Not only to me but look around you! We are here because of GRIFFIN. We just had the best show in the history of iCarly because of GRIFFIN. And now we are about to go on live TV because of GRIFFIN."

Carly was getting her point across. Griffin had done the whole iCarly crew a huge favor. He wasn't only interested in Carly, he genuinely cared about her friends too.

"And you know, Griffin really wanted to try and win your friendship," said Carly. "He wanted to know what he had to do to get you to give him a chance because he knows that you're my best friend, or at least were my best friend."

Were my best friend. Were, as in the past. If Carly had actually punched Sam, it wouldn't have done as much damage as those words did. Sam couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Carly, what do you mean 'were' your best friend?" sobbed Sam. "Carly, please, I didn't mean for everything to happen like this. I'll make it up to you, I swe-"

"You've gone too far this time, Sam," said a stoned face Carly. "I've grown to accept your selfish ways, but this time, I can't overlook what you did tonight."

Sam couldn't believe her ears. She knew what she did was bad, but Carly was always a softie. No matter how mad or frustrated Carly got with her, things always smoothed out rather quickly. She never was scared of losing Carly as her best friend. But this time, forgiveness was not an option for Carly.

"But what about iCarly?" asked Sam. "You can't just kick me to the curb, we have a show to run, right?"

"I don't know," said Carly.

Freddie had made his way over to the girls by the time their exchange ended. It was almost time for the pre-show and the girls needed to make their way to the set.

"Everything alright?" asked Freddie, nervously.

"No, let's get this over with," said Carly as she turned on her heel and made her way to the set, leaving Sam and Freddie behind. Freddie noticed Sam's tears. That told him everything he needed to know about the conversation.

"Not good?"

"Does it look like it went 'good' Fredweird?" said Sam as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Let's talk about this later, we're live in less than two minutes," said Freddie as he motioned Sam to make her way to the pre-show.

Carly, Sam, and Freddie made their way in front of the cameras and sat at the table with two race commentators. Makeup artists rushed to beautify the iCarly crew as the seconds ticked down before the show. With a live audience and millions of people watching at home, the squad put their game faces on. You would not have known that the future of the iCarly was in jeopardy when you saw their smiling faces on your television screen. The cameraman started counting down from five, and they went live.

The interview on the race pre-show went rather well. They were asked basic questions about iCarly and asked to give race predictions. There were no real hard-hitting questions until the very end.

"Last couple of questions before we wave the checkered flag," said the first commentator who was sporting a gray suit with a blue tie.

"Carly, what's it like running the world's most popular web show with your two best friends and what does the future of iCarly hold?" asked the second commentator who was wearing a black pinstriped suit and a dark red tie.

Sam and Freddie both turned to Carly, eager to hear what she had to say. They had played the part of a happy iCarly crew the whole interview, but they were unsure if Carly would stay in character for this last question.

"Well, working with these two certainly has its challenges," said Carly as she turned to Sam and Freddie with a blank expression. "As for the future of iCarly, I can't confidently say it looks bright."

Everyone at the table paused. An awkward silence filled the set. Sam and Freddie looked at each other and so did the commentators. No one knew what to say. The cameraman pointed to his wrist which meant they were out of time.

"Well, we thank the iCarly team for joining us tonight," said the first commentator. "That's all for our show tonight. We send you to the starting line where our race is about to begin."

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