Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering

Start from the beginning

Additionally, like Artemis and Athena, she is considered a virgin goddess, in addition she also ensured that the house had the highest level of moral values that she embodied were observed, that being rectitude, kindness and generosity.

"It's been days, and Athena has not even talked to any of us" Hestia spoke with a tone that hinted at sadness.

"I think that the only one that knows about Athena is Artemis, since they live closer" Hermes spoke in response.

A few moments later Artemis came inside, as she looked at her fellow gods and greeted them, who returned her greeting, she did not want to be here, primarily due to the fact that she saw the reality of the Greek Gods, however it was because of Issei's sake, that she is even here. The only ones she did have care for was Leto, her mother and Apollo, her brother. Artemis heard everything, as she spoke in response.

"I can keep an eye on the red dragon emperor, and if that does not work, I can ask my faithful followers to do so." Artemis's words were agreed by everyone, "Plus, I cannot let her be near that man like him, even less a dragon..." Artemis spoke feigning fear and disgust, she couldn't show that she admires him, in front of her fellow gods, otherwise things would be difficult for her lord.

This did not make anyone suspicious of her, as she looked around, she saw that Hestia was not happy with the situation, as she exclaimed angrily.

"Things have been like this since Malak attacked us!" Artemis wanted to shoot her for insulting her ally, but kept an angered look on her face, this was to remove any suspicion.

"Either way, we can't do anything, Artemis, can you tell us what kind of a man Hyoudou is? After all, you do live with them." Hermes asked Artemis. Artemis wanted to reveal all the good qualities, however she spoke with a calm voice. She couldn't reveal that she has started to have feelings for him.

"He seems nice and calm, he did not try anything with us, but I don't trust that man at all." Artemis spoke with a serious tone, however it was feigned, if there was anyone she trusted more than anyone else, it was Issei.

"I see..." Hestia spoke seriously before changing into a smile, "If that is coming from you, that means he seems to be better than most men."

Artemis had to agree, comparing Issei to most men would be disgraceful, as they all discussed what they needed to do, they knew that Hyoudou would not listen to them, or anyone due to his profound anger towards Zeus, primarily because of his attitude.

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team, and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella, and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes and looks at Dai with a determined look. Miyuki grits her teeth remembering her sisters
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

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