"Mistreat? I can do whatever the hell I want to but you should really start contemplating your words."

"Then maybe you should start thinking about your own actions too. Mr. Ledger."

Oops, i did not just say that. That was it, I did it. I successfully made him angrier. I just keep making it worse. I am so so damn good at this.

He scoffs and says "If you had any idea of who I actually am or what I am capable of doing...then trust me sweetheart, you'd not be speaking to me like that or in that tone." if looks could kill, I would already be buried.

Was that a warning? Yes. Did that send chills to my body? Also, yes. But did that stop me from running my mouth? I wish it did. But no.

I take a deep breath and decide on making matters worse. "But sir, I am working on a project with you and your company, so I clearly know who you are. I did my research. Who you are doesn't change the fact that you cannot mistreat our employee. I am aware of our basic rights" f^ck f^ck f^ck. I did it, I made matters even worse than it already was.

If it was anger in his eyes before, it's clearly different now. Cause I can clearly see him fuming with rage. The eyes, the icy blue eyes, turned somewhat darker and saying that he was evaporating would be an understatement, I could literally see steam. Should I start praying? I should start praying...but then he suddenly started smiling as if he found this conversation amusing.

"You have no idea who you're messing with. Clearly you didn't do your research well because basic rights don't apply to me sweetheart" I gulped hard. His tone now was way different than before. He was being harsh earlier but now, his voice was cold, just cold. And for some reasons that scares me more. "I practically own half of this city, i get whatever i want, whenever i want. What makes you think i care about your rights?"

I noticed his team behind him and they were sweating hard. Nobody tried to stop him or even interrupt him. They were probably also feeling the heat radiating of him. I could see it in their faces, they were scared for their life. What is this man? To have your employees fear you to this extent...but right now all his anger was concentrated on me.

But I stood my ground.

He took a step towards me and leaned forward to come on my level. I didn't back away. "Sweetheart, trust me on this...you don't want to mess with someone like me. I am capable of doing many, many things that you can't even think about" he said softly.

"By someone like you...do you mean, rich, self-centered pricks?" I replied softly.

I expected him to get angrier but all he did was smile and look at me like I am something...unusual.

"Well, a rich, self-centered prick like me holds enough power to destroy this precious little publishing house over here, along with your individual careers." I just stared at him in horror. He'll not actually do that right? Freak why didn't I think of the consequences earlier?

He smirked and said "now that's an expression I really like."

"You like people who are scared of you?" I am not giving him the satisfaction of winning this.

He simply shrugged and said "no, I like people who know what their actual place is. Being scared is something that just comes with it."

"You are crazy."

"Crazy is an understatement sweetheart, I am much worse. But let's just say that you're one lucky woman. Nobody gets away with speaking to me like that."

"Well, I'll be damned." I try to sound as sarcastic as possible. He smirks and pats me in the head as if I am some dog.

"You amuse me."

He finally straightened himself and said "I wish I had more time. I would love to continue this conversation of ours but I have something important to do. For example, talk to your boss about this talented and lovely colleague of yours." I was about to say something back but Jose held my arm and stopped me from doing so.

He was about to walk away when he turned around and said "It was lovely meeting you sweetheart, don't worry I will definitely mention you to your boss."

"Please do." I fake smiled at him. "So, this is how this end? You running of to my boss to complain about me? Aww, how sad!?!"

He smirks and says "Complain about you? I'll let that old man deal with him." He pointed towards Jose. "And me complaining to your boss...will simply be the easy way out...because if I take matters into my own hands, he'll not be able to handle that."

"Why only him? What do you mean 'he'?" I look at him confused. Am I not equally involved?

He again took a step forward, all while looking at me with an amused expression? What am I? A joke? He then leaned in, and whispered so that only I could hear him and said "Don't worry sweetheart, I am so not done with you. This is definitely not the end." He tilts his head slightly and looks at me as if he is playing with me "I will deal with you myself sweetheart. Don't you worry, I will not forget the way you disrespected me today. And I do not appreciate people disrespecting me. Your actions will have consequences."

I gulped hard at this one. What is he going to do? Why did I even have to ask? Always getting myself in trouble is probably my favorite hobby. Audrey you could have just let the superiors handle this...you are nothing in front of this man but hell with it, but self-respect would never let me accept defeat.

"Well then, that's something we have in common...you see, even I don't appreciate people disrespecting me."

He smirked and said "Fair enough." He then turned around and started walking away from me "We'll meet again sweetheart."

"Sweetheart is definitely not my name." is all I could manage to say before he walked away, his team following.

"Then I'll have to find out your real name." came his reply. Cr^p, why didn't i think of this before. This man could get all the information about me if he wanted to. What is he going to do? We'll meet again? What does that mean?

And the transition he made from being a Rude-a$$ man to a psychopath was... alarming. There's surely much more to him and his so-called Ledger group.


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