Sisters: Chapter 32

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"I just wanna talk to you" she says. I sit up in my bed and turn on the lamp on my side table. "What? And make it fucking quick" I say

"Yeah, I get your mad at us but all I can say is that Ace really wants to see you. He talks about you every day. He is insane. He once talked about risking it to come see you. Not a day passes that he doesn't talk about you"

"Your his what? His Therapist?" I say in a mean tone. "We'll kinda if you really think about it." She answers back. "The point is Ashlyn, you shouldn't hate him. He hasn't done anything wrong. He''s only staying away from you because if he is seen with you, it will start a war between the Italian and the Russian mafia"

"He needs to sort that out before he gets to see you again. Don't hate him Ashlyn. He loves you from the moon and back Ashlyn. I'm sorry he's not the one telling you this but it's the only way. When you called him last month it got him in a lot of problems so we can't risk you two talking again"

I nod my head even though she can't see me. My eyes are stinging with tears and I'm just a centimetre away from telling her I'm pregnant with her brother's child. "I understand" I say and my voice cracks.

"It's okay To cry Ashlyn, I know you want to" She says in a soft voice. I let myself go and a tear comes strolling down my face. "I have to go now, Ezra. Thanks for the call" I say and without giving her time to reply I hang up.

I throw down my phone on the bed and bury my face in the pillow as the tears come flowing. I'm going to have to raise this baby on my own.

What makes me really angry is that everyone knew about my pregnancy but me. No one told me because my father told them not to but my dearest Kevin and I were having an argument and it slipped out.

When I actually look at my body now it is obvious. I don't know how I missed it. Plus I don't even get morning sickness. I think the only times I throw up are when I forget to take my medication. The knock on my door startles me and I get up from my position. It's obviously Kevin. "Come"

My door opens and........Zola! She runs to me and jumps on my bed covering me in her kisses. Laugh s leave my mouth and Kevin just watches me. I take my eyes off of him and back to Zola. "Hey girl, I missed you" I say as I give her a kiss on the head.

"She just came" he says. "You sounded like you needed her." Did he hear me crying? "I'll come check on you later, have some fun with your dog" he says and leaves.


"Your muscles are so hot, I can't believe Ashlyn gets to see those everyday" I hear my sisters voice as I walk to the kitchen. I didn't know she was here. I walk into the kitchen and she was on the counter swinging her legs back and forth.

"She doesn't, I wear a shirt Ashley" He says. They are both unaware of my presence. "I doubt that. I bet you two are having great sex in the night right. But that would be a little awkward seen that she's pregnant with another man's baby" She scrunches her face"

"Can we not talk about Ashlyn and the baby right now. I just want to make breakfast for her, she's had a long night last night" He says as he gets back to the pot on the stove. My sister grins. "I bet you've had a long night too"

I take my leave and head to the bathroom. I take a shower then brush my teeth. After I get out of the shower I start drying my hair then I put on on one of Kevin's shirt I found in my drawer. He gave it to me about a few weeks ago.

I open my door and there he was standing in front of me with a plate of pancakes. "Aww thanks Kev" I say with a smile as I take the plate from him. "No problem, I just thought I would make breakfast seen that you had a rough night" He says with a sincere smile.

"Thanks" Zola runs up to him, and starts jumping on him. "Hey girl" He says as he starts petting her. I close my door and walk out of my room and make my way to the kitchen as Zola and Kevin follows behind.

"Hey Ashley, I didn't know you were here" I say. She swings off the counter as she pops a grape in her mouth. "Yeah, I got here with Zola and stayed in the guest room" She comes to sit beside me. "So have you had a check up yet?"

"No, Dad doesn't want to risk anyone knowing" She rolls her eyes. "Dad's an asshole" I nod as I put a slice of pancake in mouth. She then smiles. "Want to go out, I'm bored" I shake my head. "Dad said not to"



"Ashley, I don't think I should go on that" I say. "Are pregnant women supposed to go on a rollercoaster?" I ask Kevin. "You aren't supposed to be here, so you are not supposed to be asking me that question in the first place"

"Just answer the question" He sighs. "No, you should not be riding a roller coaster it's not safe for you or the baby" He says. "Okay thanks. Ashley lets go find something else to do!"

"Let's go on the ferris wheel" I suggest and she scrunches her face. "C'mon, it's the only ride I can go on and plus it's peaceful up there" She sighs and nods. I smile and we head over to the ferris wheel.

After we went on the ferris wheel we played more games and I won a big red bear. It's so fluffy. W played some more then went back to Kevin's house. I had fun with my sister.

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