Secrets :Chapter 30

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It's been two months since the incident and I haven't been the same ever since. I mean literally. I've been in and out of the hospital ever since with them checking in on me. 

I don't even recognize myself anymore. I haven't heard anything from Adamo. My father said after he carried me to the hospital he left at the same time, though I don't think I believe him. 

I've been staying in London with Kevin for a few weeks now and it's been okay so far. We talk occasionally and I would say our relationship is kind of cute. He makes me laugh and he helps me out alot. When I couldn't walk he would make food for me and do other stuff and I thought that was pretty cute too. 

The rest of my family are still in Italy and I'm the only one here in London for some reason. No one told me I was going to London I just remember the doctors saying I was going to do surgery then I woke up in London.

No one will tell me why I'm here not even Kevin so I eventually gave up on asking and just stayed put. Plus it's really not that bad.

My phone started ringing frightening me out of my daze. I stretch over to my table taking it up. It was a group video call from Ashley and Lia. I answer the call. "Hey guyz" I smile. "Hey" they both say at the same time. 

"Hey, so we're planning on coming to see you on the weekend" Lia says. "Yeah and we're carrying a lot of gossip with us too" Ashley chimes in. I laugh. 

After a whole hour of talking to Ashley and Lia I got hungry and decided to come find something to eat. While I was smashing my Avocados I felt a presence behind me. "Kevin?" I hear a snicker and  I start smiling. "You can't hide yourself from me, your too big" 

I turn around and he points at me. "That whole sentence sounded dirty" I laugh. "It's only dirty if you make it" I put down the bowl with the Avocados as he makes his way around to me. He picks me up causing me to yelp. 

He places me on the kitchen counter and stands between my legs. Still smiling I look deep into his eyes. "What?" I question. "What are you doing Kevin?" He places his hands on my thighs and starts running his thumbs back and forth. 

I feel a churning in my stomach. "Kevin, I wanna throw up" I choke out. He quickly takes me down and turns me towards the sink. He holds my hair back while I throw up in the sink. 

"Have you taken your medication yet Ash?" He asks. I shake my head. I rinse my mouth then the sink. I stand up straight and turn to him. "I was just making something to eat first. I can't take my pill on a hungry stomach" I explain. He curses. "Why haven't you eaten all morning?"

I roll my eyes. "I don't need you controlling my life too kevin" I say as I walk out of the kitchen. "Ashlyn, I'm not controlling you!" 

"Ashlyn!" He runs after me. "I don't want to hear it Kevin, if I don't want to take my medication fine, I'll just fucking die" I say. "It' snot that Ashlyn if you don't-

"If i don't what? What will happen, Kevin? Tell me!" He sighs in frustration. "I can't" I turn my back to him. "I really wish you guys would just stop hiding things from me" I walk down the hall and into my room. 


"I really didn't want to ask but have you guys heard from" I pause. "umm Adamo?" They both look at each other then look at me. "No, Ashlyn. If we did we would have told you"Lia says. "Yeah but would you actually though?" 

I can't trust anyone nowadays. Not even my own family. 

I get off the bed. "I'll be right back" I say. I walk out my door and go into the living room. I take my phone from my back pocket. I've never tried this since I came to London so I don't know what to expect. 

I search through my phone until I see his name. I press the call button and the phone starts ringing. It rings for a while before it is finally answered. "Ashlyn?" 

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