Chapter 1

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Episode I

The Lair of the Rat God

Robert C. Gemmell

Coptyright 2020


Young Donner McClure strode through his hometown of Hillshade with his head high, and his broad, young shoulders pumped. All the hours in his father's smithery working with scraps and the clumsy hammer strikes of a novice had finally paid off. His brand new, handmade sword swung proudly from his belt in the cheapest sheath he could find from a local tradesman.

Hillshade was a modestly sized town named for the shadow cast at noon by the large hill overlooking it. That hill was famous, the scene of Sir Clifton's first charge against the Elves over three hundred years ago. Well-made stone buildings traced along cobblestone roads leading to the main street stocked with traders visiting for the coming harvest season and other usual business.

From the day he could read, Donner had been obsessed with the history books telling great tales of victories of Knights like Sir Clifton and other brave heroes. It was Donner's intention to follow in that grand tradition of Knighthood, modernized as that tradition had become. He longed for the day he could be held in the same regard as his heroes. Men like Sir Clifton, the victor of the Elf War, and Sir Theodore, the hero of the Battle to the Last, or one of the Gang of Eight, the defenders of Corner Castle in the war with Diritan.

He was finally sixteen, and allowed to register as a Knight, though at his entry-level rank, he could only take on bronze-level jobs, things that would be only simple chores. Get rid of some pests, deliver a package a few towns over, menial work like that. It was likely that most jobs he could find wouldn't need him to draw his sword to get done. But if Donner was going to be a Knight, the first thing needed was a sword of his own.

As Donner strutted past Wizard Vibrus's lodge, The Wizard's apprentice Lenny threw down his broom and almost tripped over the porch as he rushed to Donner. "Is it finally done!?" he asked, catching himself as he stumbled up to Donner with his clumsy chubby frame.

"It is indeed," Donner said as he whipped his blade out to show it off. Considering the skill level of its crafter, the blade was evenly balanced. It had a shine that gleamed in the mid-day sunlight, a long double-sided edge that came to a slanted tip, "Months of welding scraps, and it's finally done. I started out trying to make a standard long sword, but it wasn't balanced. As a finishing touch, I had to make it a little longer and get a heavier hilt to counterbalance it. My Dad says it's called a Bastard sword, halfway the length between a long sword and a great sword," he smiled as he held up his project of passion.

"That is long," Lenny said, admiring a weapon he could never hope to have the skill or agility necessary to wield himself.

"How's Wizarding? Find any good spells lately? Donner asked.

"You should see my fireballs. I can almost hit the center of a target with them. Vibrus works me hard in the shop, but I'm learning so much, being a real Wizard's apprentice is amazing,"

"I don't see how anyone can make heads or tails of the language of those Elven tomes. The last time I tried to summon a fireball, I froze the target solid,"

"So, where are you taking the sword?" Lenny asked.

"I'm about to embark on my first adventure," Donner said, puffing his chest out and holding his head high, "Heading to the job board," he said.

Donner and Thalia: The Lair of the Rat God (Episode 1)Where stories live. Discover now