Protogen - Northern

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The often overlooked and overshadowed geography expert on the Divine Intervention, she and her twin brother Arctic are a nigh-inseparable duo, that was up until the dissolvement of their team, and their dislikement of the government. While Arctic went his separate way to travel the universe, Northern decided to head to The Forge, and test the true capabilities of her Flow.

Rather out there and go-lucky, Northern found a new lease on life after the events of Divento's conquest against the universe, and found herself enjoying life to the fullest that she could, all the way becoming a guinea pig for Axel and Scion. A party animal while still saving herself from embarrassment, Northern finds herself to be well-liked and known.

Many people expect her to be male, given her name, but she doesn't mind clarifying, nor does she mind displaying her marksmanship with her Crossbow, "Unfit Selection", or her flow, aptly named Darwinism by Axel, or so he says.

Norther is rather free-spirited and enjoys as much of life as she can, in stark contrast to the evolution that her brother took, becoming more cynical and jaded about the universe. She doesn't disagree that it's discouraging that all life could've been snuffed just because of Boson Energy's malfunctions, but she thinks that's all the more reason to party and enjoy what time they have.

She gained a reputation amongst The Forge for hosting parties, as well as the one that would shut it down if it got too wild. She's the test mouse for many of the experiments there, as there is little that can kill her, especially after the supercharge of her Flow given to her by Axel.

So, as all others of the original team, she was given a Black Letter from her former captain. She'd more than like to put down the red cups of booze and other social-lubricants, pick up her crossbow, and show any enemies to the universe just how unfit their existence is.

That is, after she shakes off the buzz of evolving past the need for sobriety permanently.

Story - Evolution

"When one unusually thinks of The Forge, the shadow, self-contained planet of dust and metal that houses the GPC's most intelligent and refined, they think of stuffy scientists with their synthetic noses stuffed into books, safely testing faintly reactive new elements through fifteen panes of super tempered and boson-enriched glass.

In reality, it was more of an Earthen frat house than anything, especially with the new introduction of Northern.

The call to party was one that not even she can eschew with her Flow, and not like Axel or Scion really tried to stop her either. It brought morale up, it let the scientists and engineers, realitists and geneticists, it brought them altogether to party and let go for a little while before duty calls once more.

Not that Northern didn't have a job there, she actually had a really important one, it was just that she preferred to hang loose and to enjoy life, before work that is.

She, along with Noxious (Whom she talks to on the regular about many different things, or she says - it's more she make the emerald protogen listen and Noxious pretends to listen as he's currently being treated for injuries), are the prime examples of guinea pigs for super dangerous weapons and defense systems.

Northern had been given a massive upgrade to her Flow, reaching the upper limits of what these specific types of Boson Energy can even do. Her Flow, named Darwinism swiftly after being affixed to her, is rather simple.

Her organic body will adapt to whatever her environment is throwing at her. Flooded room of ice cold water? Evolves gills along with extra stores of fat, webbing appearing between her claws (Somehow. Axel still is having a ball trying to figure out how that worked, given her claws being inorganic) and her paws, fins for easier movement, ect.

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