Protogen - Freefall

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Freefall, the boisterous and loud enforcer. Once the protection officer on board the Divine Intervention, she joined The Divine Institute as its chief rule enforcer, as well as its defender. Utilizing her great marksmanship, experience utilizing her Flow, and her experience fighting the battle against Divento, she protected the Institute with an iron fist, alongside Fallout.

Often considered the loudest and most carefree protogen of the original members, she's often seen either sparring with rookie guardians, teaching and looking over new guards, or drinking in the cafeteria. She happens to have a taste for wine, and has a canteen filled with the stuff on her person at all times.

Unlike her fellow protogen, she doesn't much care to utilize her Flow unless it is necessary. Even when Renaissance asked to study her abilities, she simply paralyzed and blinded him, and made her exit. She did the same with his partner, Shimmer, after she stormed after her in a rage.

As it has been said, her Flow allows her to cause any amount of physical applications onto any person so long as she sees them and maintains eyeshot with them. She does not need to focus on them, they just need to be in her peripheral vision at the least.

She simply wants to live the rest of her life without having to worry about reality breaking abilities, or having to worry about death around every corner, or have to worry about man-made gods or ancient deities. She simply wants to exist, and do her job.

Even still, if Mason had need of her abilities and expertise, or if someone came to threaten the institute, she'd be one of the first on the front lines.

The Black Letter she received was proof of that.

Story - I Love It Here

"If you don't let me pass, things will get ugly."

The shrill, almost taunting tone of an upper-guardsman rang out through the quiet halls of the DIvine Institute. It resonated in the very wall's themselves, rattling the glass and shaking the bolts in the doors. It all stemmed from an argument taking place.

A young trainee at the institute, a Mosomarian female inspired by Ja'Kle's tale of surviving their planet breaking and surviving it, and then going on an adventure to save the universe, was currently being harassed by a protogen at the institute, a hot-headed crimson one named Warcry.

Ore'Mal, code-named Crescendo, as was the Mosomarian's name, furrowed her eyebrows as she blinked with all five eyes, hands clenched tightly. Her Flow, Cacophony, allowed her to control the pitch, volume, and attributes of any sounds she makes. A rather useful ability, if a bit indiscriminate.

And that indiscriminate nature was why she was barely using it to get the beefy protogen before her. Warcry, naming himself after Rallycry, was a rookie guardsmen, this just being his first year in training. Already he was top of his class in utilizing his Flow, though his personality and inability to work with others greatly hampered his progress.

"I'm not going to move until you tell me what I want to know, Crescendo ." Warcry sneering out her code-name, his fists starting to glow a dark red. His Flow, Impact, allowed him to control the power of impacts, whether they be his own or others. Nullifying the power of a punch or a thrown stone, and amplifying his own punches. He certainly was really formidable.

Ore'Mal groaned, her voice warbling as she stared at the brute before her. She was pretty sure he wanted to know the dates of the sudden tests that their shared instructor, the Azure Wraith Bailout, was oh-so-fond over.

"They're a surprise for a reason. Even if I somehow remembered the dates when I took mine, they won't be the same for you. He does them spontaneously, they're as much of a surprise for him as they are for us. Now kindly move your ass."

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