Protogen - Aberration

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The reclusive but gentlemanly navigations officer of the Divine Intervention, Aberration went wherever his fellow navigation officer went, Nebula. He was, of course, disheartened by the Divine Intervention's dissolution, but he wasn't too disheartened. He respected his captain and the new government built, but he didn't want to join either.

That was, until he followed Nebula, the captain of a new exploration team. Not tasked with fighting the Pattern-Screamer threat, but traveling the mountain that was the universe, and making sure that nothing would be forgotten, especially those planets that the Divine Intervention, or any other team, had not been able to save.

He became the navigations officer for that team, The Thousand as it was named, directly underneath Nebula. He was respected, not only for his time on the Divine Intervention, but his direct involvement in preventing the end of everything. His flow, Data-Reconstruction, was one that became idolized rather quickly.

Newer members of The Thousand often approach him for advice, for sparring matchings, for scholarly debates, for musings and wanderings of the universe - and Aberration treats them. Ever since saving the known universe, he found himself appreciating the small things, and simply enjoying his ability to think.

Existence was beautiful, as was it painful. The two go hand-in-hand, as the protogen often stated. Although he often talked to himself or worked too hard on his Flow, neglecting his navigational duties, he's never reprimanded. How can someone reprimand the person that saved everything?

Aberration is called here and there. He takes most of the records and bioscans of new planets, he's the lead investigator with green teams, making sure everything goes according to plan, and no one is hurt - protogen or natives.

Due to his efforts in this field, the team was once recommended to join the Environmental class of the GPC, and they do report to it - but Aberration feels that they shouldn't have ties to the government, no matter how loose they are or how peaceful it is. They need freedom, and they need not have bureaucracy get in the way of protection

Aberration doesn't think of himself as powerful, his Flow certainly isn't flashy, but the crew and his new captain certainly feel the opposite. From being able to create impregnable shields to perfectly recreating video-game consoles to holo-devices - his membership is one that is intensely celebrated.

And for that reason, Aberration has that Black letter safely tucked away in his quarters, just in case there's another job that needs to be done.

Story - What is a Savior?

Aberration didn't fancy himself as a savior.

He didn't fancy himself much of anything, really.

There was something he felt that was wrong about being called a savior. Not that the word was wrong, nor that his actions hadn't saved anyone - and neither did he decry anyone that was called that. For him though, he didn't think of himself as one. He was someone fit for a job, and he did that job.

The air was thick, pungent, almost sickly. The stench of decay and rusting was evident in every breeze. There was a haunting beauty in destroyed cityscapes, there was a humbling nature to it - the everlasting brush that was nature, splattering green over the landscape of concrete and steel.

Aberration looked over the ruined city, overtaken by green and browns. Long trees reaching high into the clouds, grown from concrete masses of rubble'd buildings and the nurturing corpses of long dead Pattern-Screamers. There was something to be said of the pure natural forming from the vilest of unnatural.

Aberration sighed, easing his fingers into the soil. There was a mourning call in the whistles of the wind, Not an animal stirred, sentient or not. All that remained was the flora, flourishing fountains of trees and vines without need of animal carriers. Long snaking tendrils of vines eating away at concrete, or hanging from large trees.

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