Protogen - Lunch-Rush

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The rather brash and obtuse, but altogether well-mannered, cook of the Divine Intervention, and the "Supreme Chef" of the Divine Institute, Lunch-Rush is often overlooked as a big member of the team. Many hearing the tales of the team disregard him as a tag-along. If anything, Lunch-Rush had a very important role.

Good food makes a good team.

And as such, he still received a Black Letter despite having no Flow. He was integral to the team's success. After long hard fought battles to decompress and think about all that happened, they all found themselves in the cafeteria, eating delicacies and good food and drinks from around the universe - and all that came from Lunch-Rush's expertise.

A social area to talk and drink away the day, to eat and recharge and discuss with one's crewmates. Yes, food was one of the most important aspects of the Divine Interventions success. An area to talk, an area to think, an area to relax and/or get drunk off their tails.

Lunch-Rush was important, but he didn't care - he just liked making food. And the second he received the notion that he could cook once more, and teach others how to cook, at the Divine Institute once more - he took it.

Now as the lead chef with many under him, he is constantly sharpening his knives and shining his pans and cleaning his kitchen - all without a single drop of Boson Energy powering any supernatural systems. He believed that he'd lose his pride if he used extra-normal means to make good food.

He was an artist, and food was his artform - he would not be taking shortcuts.

Lunch-Rush might not be well-known or celebrated outside the Divine Institute, or even inside - but he has earned the respect of many of the protogen and other creatures serving as guardings. He can cook anything they want, and do so with extreme precision and an aim to please.

Story - An Interview with a Chef

"Is it rolling?"

The screen blinks to life, the protogen-camera system booting up after the long travel time. Nikon, as was the protogen's name (of course, named by one called Axel), settled into his place, staring at the fellow protogen in front of him. The well known Artist Chef "Lunch-Rush".

Lunch-Rush sighed with a deep groan, his claws dancing across the cutting before him. His claws were as sharp as knives, chopping vegetables with clean cuts and perfect spaces between. His attention, although divided, was pristine. His attention was taken, but even without it his muscle memory was sharp.

"It is now." Nikon replied, settling against the kitchen counter. The dark colored protogen stared as Lunch-Rush demonstrated his art, showing why he was the best chef the galaxy had ever seen. Any could and can cut vegetables, and do what he did. In fact, other protogen with Flows used to enhance flavor are better at making it tasty.

Lunch-Rush is just the best without any Flow whatsoever.

Lunch-Rush nodded, swiftly turning to the side to pat the vegetables down into a boiling pot. The sugary brown protogen turned again, heading to a pantry with a swiftness not unlike Rallycry's speed. Nikon just watched, the camera embedded within his optic systems recording the interview.

"So, Lunch-Rush... what made you want to accept this interview? None of your fellow Divine crewmates allowed us even near them, despite being sent by The Forge." Nikon asked, his voice somewhat high-pitched, even feminine despite the rather bulky build and stature he had. Lunch-Rush took a second to answer, and when he did he returned with bread and spices from the pantry.

Lunch-Rush simply shrugged his shoulders, dumping the ingredients onto the counter before him. He brought his claws down, self-sharpening, "I don't know myself, to be honest. I think-" Lunch-Rush started the process for another dish at the same time as he was cooking the other one, which if Nikon recalled was rather time-sensitive

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