More drawings before another proto (tired)

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This week's outfit! Not as risque as the others, nor as risque as next week's

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This week's outfit! Not as risque as the others, nor as risque as next week's. Oh my good fluff, next week's outfit in the "draw your character" sheet is... yeah. Either or! I like how this came out, I'm really happy with how the hands and paws came out, very much so. Nevermind the anatomy on that one leg. Better to not think about it.

Either or! I like how it came out.

This one! Oh my fluff I loved how this came out, the fire is really good, I think at least

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This one! Oh my fluff I loved how this came out, the fire is really good, I think at least. Plus I am very proud with how the anatomy came out just in general! Houndoom are some of my favorite pokemon, and I decided to at least attempt to draw one.

 Plus I am very proud with how the anatomy came out just in general! Houndoom are some of my favorite  pokemon, and I decided to at least attempt to draw one

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And then this one! For some reason I was inspired to draw a feminine wooden fox (though it is a bit hard to tell that it is, indeed, a fox). came otu decent! Moss paw pads, bushy bush tail, and grassy hair and chest fluff. I think it came out well! Short story here because why not.

The femanine figure before you was large, larger than you could've thought possible. Blissfully stretching off it's lounging spot atop a monument of ocks, you gaze as their stretched out body, femanine, but stocky, blocky even, the wooden features jutting out at odd angles.

The tail that swing from it's behind twirled in the air, the berries attatched to the thing rustled and shook, a few even dropping upon the forested floor. It's foliage covered head peeked at you, and it grinned with a tootheless, but friendly smile.

It swing it's paws up, and you saw the paw pads bad of moss, sparkling in the sun. Your eyes drifted towards it's own, a deep emerald green bleeding into pine needle dark. Those green eyes stared at you, and you could only stare back.

And finally! The animal of this week, the finch! The random animal generator only said finch, but knowing ornithologists it's probably something like "The Black-Masked Yellow Finch" and not something cool

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And finally! The animal of this week, the finch! The random animal generator only said finch, but knowing ornithologists it's probably something like "The Black-Masked Yellow Finch" and not something cool. very apt they are. But also easily identifiable. So.... fair! Anyways I got the mystery theme on my generator soo I went with a sherlock look.

But based on those "sexy halloween costumes". Soooo. Yeah!

If anyone wants to suggest a theme it would be much appreciated :3

Anywys! I hope you all enjoyed this batch, certainly a lot better than last week's since I had quite a bit more time to work on this stuff, and plus I wanna do more detailed drawings while decreasing the amount. Quality over quantity I guess.

Anyways! I hope you enjoyed, adiós~!

~ Candle

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