Tsunade: Hmm... Shizune, bring the bottle with the chakra we collected from (Y/N) earlier.

Shizune brought the two jars with the blue and purple chakra, respectively.

Naruto: Huh...? Purple chakra?

Yamato: It must be (Y/N)'s alien chakra.

Naruto: Oh...

The poor boy looked totally overwhelmed. He was sweat dropping.

Tsunade used some kind of Jutsu to grab the blue chakra in the jar and placed it on the microscope slide.

Tsunade: Nothing's happening.

She glanced back at (Y/N) before looking at the purple chakra.

Tsunade: Now for the moment of truth.

Minerva put her hand over (Y/N)'s and gripped it.

Tsunade removed the blue chakra and placed the purple chakra on the microscope slide.

The Hokage was completely silent as she looked through the microscope. Then she stood up straight and turned to (Y/N).

Tsunade: The alien cell completely took over the human cell.

Shizune and Sakura gasped, while (Y/N) just stared off into space. Minerva let out a shaky sigh.

Naruto: Eh? What does that mean?

Tsunade: It means every time he uses that purple chakra, the "alien" chakra, the alien cells take over the human cells. In other words, it replaces the human cell with another alien cell.

Naruto: Then that means...

(Y/N): I won't be a human anymore. I'll be...whatever the hell that organism that that cell comes from is.

Naruto: <shocked> What?! You'll be an alien?

Minerva: Yes.

Tsunade: And the thing is...

She knelt in front of (Y/N), who was seated in a chair.

Tsunade: I think this is happening on its own. It's going to happen no matter what.

Minerva/(Y/N): What?!

Tsunade: Using the alien chakra probably speeds it up faster, but even when the two cells were side-by-side, it seemed the two were drawing close together.

(Y/N): So it's all but inevitable...?

Tsunade: Yes. However, I don't think your personality will be affected by this. I think only biologically, you shall change.

(Y/N): So...I'll still be me if...no, when I turn?

Tsunade: I think so, but I don't know for sure. Whether this was Yugen's plan or not, I don't know either.

Naruto walked over to (Y/N) and grabbed him by the shoulders, staring at him intently.

Kakashi: Naruto—

Naruto: Just so you know, I don't care if you won't be "human" anymore and turn into an alien or whatever. You'll always be (Y/N) to me. You'll always be my teammate, one of my best friends, and my big brother figure.

(Y/N): N-Naruto...

Naruto: So you don't have to worry about not being "human" anymore. Every one of us is still going to be your friend. No matter what. You're still going to be a Shinobi of the Leaf Village. You're still going to be Sasuke's older brother.

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