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"You have to be shitting me!" I yelled, throwing an expensive bottle of wine at Matteo

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"You have to be shitting me!" I yelled, throwing an expensive bottle of wine at Matteo. Matteo looks at me with fear in his eyes.

"How the fuck do you lose 24 shipments of cocaine?" He just stood there shaking, not speaking a single word. I wouldn't say I'm that scary. I walked over to him, my heels clicking on the hard wood floor. I picked up a kitchen knife and held it to his throat.

My name is Amara Amanda Vasquez. I am the queen of the Spain Mafia. My father was the king before his not so sudden death. I may or may not have killed him. It's not like that piece of shit didn't deserve it. 

Growing up my mother told me I had a short temper. if that wasn't obvious at the moment than I don't know what is. I swear dealing with fucking idiots is going to kill me one of these days. 

"Listen and listen very carefully. If you don't find who took my shipments I will gut you and feed you to Octo. Is that understood?" He nodded he's head very carefully making sure not to cut his neck on the knife. I smiled at him and took the knife away.

"Now get the fuck out of my sight." He ran away and I sighed. Ever since I became queen of the Spain Mafia many of the other Mafia leaders have been taking advantage of me. They think because I'm a woman I'm not as powerful as them. Stupid pieces of shit. 

 I've been playing nice up til now but it seems that I'll have to start a war for these bitches to take me seriously. I sighed at my expensive wine that was now wasted and grabbed another bottle.

My mother always taught me to buy two of everything. I've had a short temper and tend to throw things when mad yet she seemed to have had always replace them within minutes.

I fixed my glass and grabbed my phone walking upstairs to my office. I looked at my emails and saw that I was invited to a ball. Ew I fucking hate those shits. Just thinking of them reminds me of the trauma I have because of them. 

As a young girl my father would force me and my mother to go and mingle with the wives and children of very powerful Mafia leaders. And if we weren't good and didn't make friends he would beat us. Father of a year right there.

Glad that man is rotting six feet under. I took a large sip of my very tasty wine. As I read the invitation I saw it was to announce the new leader of the Italian Mafia. I hummed. I knew of the current leader Nico Romano. He was a piece of shit to say the less. 

If I go I could be able to bring in more alliances or kill someone. Either way it could be fun. I continued to drink my wine as my phone rang and I saw that it was Logan. Great have to deal with this broad. 

"Speak fast." I demand. "Damn no 'Hi Logan I haven't spoken to you since I sent you on that mission six months ago'." I rolled my eyes at his annoying ass, I took a deep breath trying not to hang up on him and block his dumbass. "Hi Logan. Now what the hell do you want, did you find my guy."

Six months ago a bunch of men rushed my warehouse.  I found them and killed them before they could leave but I wanted their leader.

"It was Alexis." Fucking Russians. I swear it's life these guys give themselves a bad rep. I always thought that what was said in Mafia movies about Russians were fake but those little shit make me want to rip my fucking placenta out. 

"Did you get him?" Cause if he didn't get him then what was the point in having this conversation. "It wasn't easy but I got him. I'm on my way back to the warehouse I'm 20 minutes out." I smiled. This is great

Finally I've been itching to kill someone. "Great I'll meet you there."


I walked into the warehouse, men bowing to me as I walked past. I love when they bow makes me feel like a queen. Oh wait...I am one. 

I walked down to the basement and went to each cell until I saw Logan. "Did you hurt him yet?" I rolled up my sleeves and adjusted my rings.

"And let you miss the fun? Never." I smiled. He knew me so well. I slammed open the door and saw Alexis swing from the ceiling. "ты маленькая сука, я убью тебя!" He yelled in Russian.

"Speak English bitch." I grabbed a taser from off the table and tased his balls. I think my favorite thing about torturing men is going for their dicks. I had it on high voltage so that shit hurt. Alexis was screaming like a little bitch. I couldn't help but laugh.

I pulled the taser away from him and walked around his body. "Why did you send those men to my warehouse Alexis?" He didn't answer I rolled my eyes and sighed. Why do men have to be so difficult. 

I went back to my tray and picked up my dagger. I went back to him. "I'll give you one more chance before I just have my fun with you." He still didn't answer and I sighed. Guess I'm going to war with the Russians.

I stabbed Alexis in his small dick making him scream like a motherfucker. I closed my eyes taking in his screams. It was beautiful. Maybe I was a bit crazy, a bit not a lot. 

I pulled the dagger out. I ripped his shirt open and pressed my knife against his nipple. I sliced it off making me laugh while he screamed. I looked at his face filled with tears.

I got bored and decided to draw on his chest. My dagger pushed deep into his chest and started drawing a rose. "Please i-ill tell you why just stop!" He screamed. I smiled and looked at him.

"Go ahead." His breath was heavy. "Ever since you've taken over people have been scared to target you that was until I sent my men to get your list of drug drops. They were able to send it to me before getting killed. I sold the information to the highest bidder." I nodded.

"And who was that?" I asked nicely poking him with the tip of my dagger. "The Italians." I rolled my eyes. Fucking Nico just great. Maybe I'll go to that ball after all. "Logan send Octo. He's very hungry." Alexis eyes widened and my smile brightened.

I just love times like this.

Edited version 

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