"Do you think we care who's in charge?" The blond said with furrowed eyebrows "We need to get to mount weather! Not because the chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait the hungrier we'll get and the harder this will be" to explained to the group of delinquents "How long do you think we'll last without those supplies" she added looking around at everyone "We're looking at a twenty mile trek so if we want to get there before dark we need to leave now"

"I got a better idea" Bellamy said all eyes now on him "You two go find it for us, let the privileged do the hard work for a change" he said "Yeah!" everyone said

"Your not listening we all need to go" Wells raised his voice, a guy behind him pushed him forward "Look at this everybody the chancellor of earth" he smirked earning a laugh from some "You think that's funny?" wells challenged and the boy kicked his legs knocking him on the ground "Wells!" the blond called out but was held back by a boy "No but that's was" the unknown boy smirked looking down at him Wells for up getting into a fighting position as everyone around them chanted but nothing ended up happening as a boy with longer brown hair jumped down from the side of the ship "Kid has one leg" he said to the boy "How about you wait until it's a fair fight" he said making the other boy stand down "How'd he even get up there" Nessa whispered making Bellamy smirk

Octavia walked close to the boy "Hey spacewalker rescue me next" she flirted with the boy making him smile and some people laugh including her friend "What he's cute" she shrugged looking at her brothers disappointed face "He's a criminal"
"There all criminals" Nessa said standing next to the girl he looked between the two then snatched his sisters hand dragging them away making Nessa roll her eyes

She fount the blond from before and decided to go with them on there trip "Hey blondie" she called out "My names Clarke" she told her with a stern look "Yeah whatever can I come with?" she asked "Yeah sure whatever" Clarke responded and she didn't bother asking for her name since pretty much everyone knew who she was

"How are the three of you gonna carry enough food for a hundred?" Wells asked the brunet boy grabbed Jasper and Monty with a smile "Make that five" he said "Can we go now?" "Sounds like a party make it six" Octavia skipped over to them with a bright smile "Hey what are you doing?" Bellamy ask grabbing her shoulder "Going for a walk" the girl said innocently looking around "God Bellamy let the girl live" Nessa said smirking at her best friend.

Bellamy stared at the girl with a disapproving look on his face "Hey where you trying to take this off?" Clarke ask taking Finns hand "Yeah so?" he shrugged "So this wristband transmits your vital signs to the ark, take it kf and they'll think your dead" she explained catching Bellamy's attention "Should I care" Finn asked "I don't do you want the people you love to think your dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we're dying" she finished"Ok now let's go" she said seeing the boy had nothing to say back

The five walked away Octavia staying behind waiting for her brother's approval "Go on" he said nodding his head to the group Octavia gave him a kiss on the cheek then ran away to catch up with the group.

First person Nessa

"Good after what they did to me and Nessa I say float them all" Octavia smiled after Clarke told us why they had sent us the ground I smirked at her remark walking faster then the four behind us "You don't mean that!" Jasper said catching up with us "Oh no we do" I smiled at the boy

The two of us stopped at a lake and looked at each other "If you jump i'll jump" I said to Octavia who was examining the water "Deal" she said looking up at me the two of us took of our boots pants and jackets "Damn I love earth" Jasper said from behind us watching Octavia

Octavia looked at me "Don't die" I laughed as she walked up the rock "Octavia what the hell are you doing!" Clarke said from behind us making me turn "We're having fun! You should try it" I smirked at her Octavia jumped in and the group behind me started running to us "Octavia!" Monty called out watching as her head popped out of the water "We can't swim" he told her "No but we can stand" she said standing up in the water laughing "Come on Nessa!" She splashed the me

"I'm coming" I said walking closer to the water not wanting to jump but then something caught my eye then I felt a wave of fear wash over me "Octavia get out of the water!" I screamed seeing as a big snake thing was coming towards her everyone looked up at my words and saw the thing coming towards her before Octavia could react she was being pulled under the water

"Octavia" I screamed watching as it took her under I ran to the shore looking for any sign of her that's when she resurfaced "What the hell is that" Monty said looking at it "Who cares we have to save her!" I screamed back Jumping in the water as Clarke pushed a rock into the water

The thing let her go and I grabbed her helping her back to the shore "Get to the shore now!" Jasper screamed "It's coming back!" Monty screamed "It's coming right for you!" he screamed again I got the both of us close enough to the shore so the other could pull us in

We laid there both out of breath I looked at her lag and saw the huge red bite on her leg Clarke ripped a piece of Jaspers shirt of and wrapped it around her leg "Thanks you" Octavia said pulling me in for a hug "I told you not to die" I smiled at the girl making everyone laugh lightly.

After a phew minutes of calming down we headed back on our way to mount weather but it soon turned night so me and octavia laid next to each other leaning on a tree using our jackets as blankets and each other as pillows.

Me and the devil, Bellamy Blake ¹Where stories live. Discover now