Coming Clean

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Her feet wouldn't move. Frisk shivered in place as a pair of rivers started flowing down her pants. The navy blue fabric turned shiny black and streams curled around her tiny hands. All of the aching and squirming came to a stop, heat falling down her limbs forced them to stop tensing. Relaxed as she could be, she exhaled and felt her eyes beginning to droop. 

It just felt so good.

Just a couple seconds ago she'd been bursting at the seams as if a water balloon had been stuffed between her legs, but now an incredibly fine needle poked a tiny hole in her. Her bladder deflated into her claws and palms. Countless droplets trickling onto the gray tile underneath her before they formed into a constant waterfall. The gold stream hit the ground and echoed across all of the empty halls. 

The bottom of her pants soaked through and completely overflowed. Her bones felt like jelly and her muscles seemed limp. As she lifted her hands away from her crotch a puddle that had been pooling in her palms slipped between her fingers. White cotton socks were soon stained yellow. A swampy sensation filled her small boots and sloshed around the soles.

Her stream started fading into something more manageable, but Frisk couldn't bring herself to care enough to attempt stopping it; rather, she brought herself to squeeze out the final few spurts hiding in her bladder, the floor was already soaked anyway. She shuddered in place for a few moments, the radiating warmth grew into a calming heat. Disgusting vapors wafted around her. Bright, multicolored flames danced around Asriel's talons and swirled into a rainbow inferno at her feet.

Frisk's shoes felt swampier than they did a second ago, but most of the evidence of her accident was boiled away into the ventilation. Remaining on her clothes were sopping wet patches on the inner sides of her boots plus a massive, damp and sticky spot running down the length of her trousers. Some tears swelled in her eyes, as great as it felt to empty herself she couldn't stop the deep red glow on her face. She'd just wet herself like a grade schooler. 

In the back of her mind she registered her big brother patting her back and grabbing her elbow, pulling her toward their home. The white door, bearing plenty of sparkles and the Dreemurr name written in a vibrant mix of crooked foam stickers outlined in glitter glue, much like her own bedroom door. She not-very-effectively snuck by Chara, who sat on the couch with her pacifier, laptop, sketchpad, and YouTube videos on the TV.

Being the disinterested older sister, Chara hardly batted an eye at her baby sister, especially after seeing the state of her pants in the corner of her eye. She started chatting with her little brother as their sibling fetched clean clothes and hid herself in the bathroom. One warm shower later, Frisk appeared wearing a black pair of pants and bright yellow long-sleeve. She held her ruined pants wrapped in her blue sweater. 

It was probably time to do some early laundry. 


The next day would be a different story, for the youngest Dreemurr now had a secret weapon.

She sat still as she could, blankly staring at the whiteboard as her infuriating history teacher took he sweet time writing down dates and events she insisted would be on the quiz, but almost never were. Between the girls legs, hidden by her thickest gray sweatpants and the hem of a heavy purple winter coat, was a soft pink garment with some cute black flowers printed on one side.

With a little bit of focus and a quiet sigh, the padding beneath her started to swell. The spongy pillow began to push her legs apart. Chara's stolen black plastic pants caught whatever spillover broke through the honestly ineffective leak guards. Nobody seemed to notice her pinkish face, or the slight hiss muffled by her sweats. 

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