A Chat With Dye-Dye

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Against her will, Chara started squeezing her legs together. JUST DON'T HAVE AN ACCIDENT IN FRONT OF AUNTIE DYE-DYE! NOW'S NOT THE TIME TO BE A BABY! She mentally yelled at herself, still struggling to find something to say. Sans took a shortcut to the kitchen, probably to get more snacks, so Undyne stole his spot on the couch, sitting Chara on her lap.

"Honestly, it's about time something like this happened." The Heroine stated with her shark-toothed grin.

"W-what?" She managed to stutter as her mind caught up with what her hero just said.

The aquatic hero heaved a big sigh.

"Listen, Chara, I've been worried about you for quite a while. You never sleep, never take care of yourself, never leave the Castle, barely eat; Ya just occasionally train with me, draw robots, watch movies, and do school crap. Plus the queen never seemed to do anything to help."

Undyne and Toriel shared a glare. Obviously her mom was in the wrong, but Undyne didn't help; yet part of what made her Chara's hero was that she recognized that without either of them having a meltdown. 

"I know I should've said something sooner, but I just kept looking the other way and burying myself in all this 'interspecies relations' business with your dad. I'm sorry, little punk."

A scaly hand stroked her hair; so gentle, especially for what she'd expected from auntie Dye-Dye. People admitting when something was wrong, when the 'happy little family' shtick was allowed to fall away, never failed to feel like a weight being lifted from her shoulders. The chance to be seen not feeling good made her breathing even out. She didn't even know how fast her heart was beating until it started to slow as well.

"When your mom called me and Al in the middle of the night looking for you. I thought for sure something finally snapped, that I took to long to do or say something. But then I walk in here and you look more put together than I've ever seen you before, and Papyrus tells me you've gotten yourself in diapers and feeling better than ever."

"I-I... Uh" Her face turned rose again, breathing starting to pick up.

"Hey, it's alright, you're alright." Undyne soothed, then continued her speech.

"I should've said something, instead of crossing my fingers for this to happen by itself. 

But now, you're doing great! If a big bag of wearable sponges gives you what to need to get up and take care of yourself, I'm more disappointed you didn't pull this sooner. I need time to wind down too, don't be afraid to lay back."

"But you're always ready for anything!" She protested.

"I try to be ready for everything, that's the best anyone can do. So cut yourself some slack, punk, we all need someone to help us out when we need a break."

Undyne glanced up the stairs at Alphys, who was still staring at the babyish demi-human with anime sparkles in her eyes, then the royal knight proceeded to crush the tiny monster in a huge hug. Chara burst into giggles, shaking her very full bladder as it squeezed against her aunt's steely abs. Comforting warmth in her soul was replaced with relaxing warmth between her legs, and no small amount of horror. She'd not only wet herself in front of the coolest monster ever, but was using her diaper while on her lap.

And of course, there was no way Undyne didn't notice, the heat seeped straight through her pants and snappy. Tainted Determination started to leak from her eyes. But the tall hero only sat up, adjusting Chara and holding her closer. The new hug pressed her abdomen more, and fully sitting up made it much easier to empty herself. Auntie Dye-Dye was okay with this? Hell, she was encouraging it at this point! She wasn't looking at her like a freak of nature!

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