New book/Release date, synopsis & more

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My next book will be called 'LOVELORN' and it will be a story about self-growth and falling in love!

I have a lot of prewritten chapters, so it's looking like it'll be updated every Saturday!



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When Zora, Naya's long-term best friend and crush, starts showing an interest in her twin brother, Avi, she's forced to face her biggest fear. She will never be enough for someone to choose her first and no matter how much she tries, her brother will always have everything she doesn't.

Friendship, loyalty, and love are put to the test as Naya has to either move on or be tormented by her insecurities. However, the process of getting over someone seems to be near impossible when one is reminded of them every day.

It's even more impossible when it appears that Zora's feelings for Naya may not be as platonic as she once thought.


Release date: 5th of August 2023

Sneak peeks:

(First few paragraphs)

FIFTEEN MINUTES had passed and I was still staring at the same fucking problem. The clock was ticking and it was all I could focus on at the moment. Tick, tick, tick. It echoed in my mind, trapping all my other thoughts. Sly bitch, always distracting me. At least it wasn't my fault. I wasn't the stupid one, it was the pestering clock that was.

The excuse wouldn't suffice. It was my fault I couldn't solve a simple problem. A stupid, stupid, simple problem. Next to me, Avi was breezing through the test. He was already on the last page. Meanwhile, my heart was having a beatbox match inside my chest. I kept shaking my hand, as if some magic knowledge was hidden there, waiting to be revealed by a simple movement. If Avi was so brilliant, then there must be some talent in me. We were twins, after all. Fraternal twins, but twins all together.

Why did I think that taking an AP class was a good idea? Especially Math of all classes. I was so not intelligent enough for this. The next thing on my to-do list would need to be to find a way to drop this hell of a class. I was failing, so it wasn't like this class would give me any extra credit anyway.

The test was ripped from my hands after I'd insisted the teacher gave me one more minute. I sighed, embarrassed that I was the last one there, and exited the room. Avi had finished long before most and was already away chatting in a corner with his best friends. I caught a couple of words like 'too easy' and 'not even a challenge'. Naturally, I felt like a complete moron. If that was easy, I didn't want to see their definition of difficult.

I wanted to cry so bad. The tears were itching to escape. I swallowed them back, a thick ball of dread lodged in my throat. It was growing larger with every passing second, expanding to my stomach, back up my throat, and making me nauseous...


(A snippet from when Zora is introduced to the scene)

I texted her back and hurried out of the restrooms, only stopping to splash some cold water on my face. Zora was waiting for me outside the classroom, arms crossed and brown eyes staring down at her phone.

My heart skipped a beat. Her dark brown curls were tucked behind her ears, showing off her plethora of ear piercings. Plump glossy lips were parted, as if in thought, dark skin gleaming. Her thick brows drawn together only served to prove that assumption. Zora had done red graphic liner with little hearts drawn by her inner eye. It matched well with her red shirt.
She was so pretty and I was so stupidly in love.

As if having sensed someone was staring at her, she glanced up from her phone. When she noticed it was me, she opened her mouth, probably to call me out on being almost late, but the teacher arriving stopped her from lecturing me.

I sent her a sheepish smile when I sat down next to her. She scowled for a second, until something suddenly softened in her face. Grabbing my face, she turned it from side to side, inspecting something. I held my breath until she let go of me and chewed on her bottom lip. My eyes bashfully flickered to the sight for a second.


Each chapter will be around 3k-4k words!

Tomorrow, the author's note and aesthetics will be posted!

See you there!

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