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Ideally, Gabriella hadn't wanted to spend the night at a guy who'd she'd hooked up with's party, but here she was, questioning all her life choices. All of Storm's friends, including her brother, and also Ziv, who had tagged along with the permission of Wes, were there. The others had scurried off somewhere, leaving Storm and Gabriella with the host, AKA Wes.

"It's nice to see you again, Gabriella," he said, a flirty smile on his face. "You too, Storm."

Storm did not look pleased, glaring at Wes who had no clue as to why she was showing a newfound hostility towards him. It was awkward, to say the least.

"Do you guys want a drink or something...?" He asked, trailing off as he glanced between them.

"No, I'm good," they both answered.

"Okay. I'm going to get a beer. Do you want to come with, Gabriella?"

No, she didn't.

She made brief eye contact with Storm, then said, "Yes, sure."

Taking her hand, Wesley lead her to the kitchen. Gabriella peered back continuously until Storm was out of sight and it was only Wes and her. He grabbed a bottle of beer and faced Gabriella.

"I'm glad you came."

His eyes trailed down her navy blue mini dress. It was a habits tie front bodycon dress, highlighting her figure well. Storm had done her makeup this time too. They'd ended up making out for a few minutes, so it had taken longer than it should have. Gabriella knew she looked stunning, yet it didn't feel right having anybody but Storm check her out. She didn't want anybody but Storm too.

"I like your dress, it complements you well."

Gabriella gave a hesitant smile. "Thanks."

"So, how you've been?"


Despite her curt responses, Wesley remained unbothered. "So, Gabriella, I know we hardly know each other but I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since the last party."

It seemed that even if Wes had agreed that it was only a hookup, he had changed his mind. Nevertheless, Gabriella wasn't on the same page. Her mind wasn't occupied by the guy in front of her, but rather the girl in the living room. The same girl who hadn't left her mind in years.

She would have to let him down easy. "Look, Wes," she started but didn't get very far when someone tossed an arm around her shoulder.

"I know I said I didn't want anything to drink, but I changed my mind. I'll take what you had, a beer, if that's cool," Storm said hurriedly, as if she was in a rush.

Wesley appeared dubious, but nodded and complied with her requests. He handed her a beer and Storm thanked him, opening it and gulping some down.

"So, what's up?" She asked casually.

"We were just chatting," Wesley responded.

Storm hummed, looking him dead in the eye. He seemed uneasy, wondering if he'd done anything wrong. One could cut the tension with a knife. Gabriella sensed she needed to do something about it.

"As nice as this has been, I'm going to go find Ziv," Gabriella excused herself, tugging Storm along as they made a swift escape from the kitchen area.

It wasn't until they reached a secluded room that she came to a halt, turning to face Storm who was shutting the door behind them.

"Was that jealousy?" Gabriella cocked an eyebrow.

"Yes," Storm admitted.

Having forgotten how blunt she could be, Gabriella blinked. Taken aback by her honesty.

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