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*mentions of abuse, death, and trauma*

Since Storm's mom had found out, Gabriella was free to tell her moms about Storm. Albeit, seeing as her mom wasn't in the best of moods because of Jolene, AKA Gabriella's grandma, she figured she would wait a bit to tell them.

The funeral was tomorrow. Freya was still intent on not going. However, Elora, Micaela, and Wren were coming afterward. Along with Elora, Wren would attend the funeral of his sister as well.

Currently, though, we were saying goodbye to Isla. She would be moving back in with Wren and his husband the last few weeks before college started up.

"We'll stay in touch, right?"

"Yes, of course," Isla assured.

"Good. I'll message you. Maybe we could do something with just us and Ziv some time. You two seemed to get along, minus the whole drunk argument."

She laughed. "I barely remember what that was about."

"I'm sure it won't deter your friendship too much then," Gabriella joked.

"Probably not." Isla glanced back to see Dimitri heading up the stairs. "I should get going."

Before they left, Dimitri made sure to invite Gabriella over for dinner someday. She gladly agreed. After that quick conversation, they were out of there. She had quickly grown used to having Isla around. It was sad to see her go.

Although Freya had acted happy for the sake of not ruining the mood, when Isla left, her wall crumbled the slightest and a sliver of sorrow crept through. Her smile dropped and she excused herself to go into her bedroom. Audrey went to follow her, but her ma stopped her, whispering something in her ear. She nodded in understanding, albeit sadly.

"She just needs a little time to gather her thoughts, let's leave her to be for a bit. I'm going to cook dinner. I'd love to get some help."

"Yeah, sure. We'll help," Gabriella said.


It was officially the day of the funeral. Elora and Wren were coming over after it was done. Meanwhile, Micaela was already here, seeing as she wouldn't be attending it either. The arrival of Micaela had brightened the atmosphere, as she tended to do. Joey had come as well. It was his first time home since the move. They'd visited him, but he hadn't gotten around to coming home, even if it was close.

The death of their mom was only brought up once or twice.

"I wouldn't be able to handle going even if I wanted to. Just imagining people praising her like she was some sort of saint gives me the chills. What's with people acting like someone is suddenly a good person just because they're dead? She was shitty alive and she's damn well still shitty in death. If that woman was even a semblance of a good person, she would have at least felt regret. I never once saw remorse on that old hag's face," Micaela grumbled, years of anger present on her face.

"I spent my childhood wondering what I did wrong, why my own mother couldn't even love me. I deserved more than that, young Freya deserved more than that. But I don't have the energy to desire payback anymore, or to be mad any longer. I closed that chapter long ago. She doesn't deserve my tears or grief," Freya told them, eyes set on her lap. "Her death might have reawakened some bad memories, but she will never have the power to completely destroy me again."

The doorbell rang briefly after Freya's speech. She got up to open the door. There was some mumbled talking heard, then Wren and Elora were stood before them. Gabriella went to hug her aunt and great uncle, as did the others.

Compared to Micaela, Elora was far more reserved. Growing up, they hadn't been close with Elora. It wasn't until they were older that they started mending their broken relationship with her.

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