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Storm's lips were on hers.

It lasted for a second before they both pulled back, eyes wide. She'd barely processed what had happened, but she knew she couldn't let go of this moment. Gabriella put her hands on either side of Storm's face and smashed their lips together. It took Storm a second to reciprocate the kiss, however, when she did, Gabriella felt like she was on top of the world.

Storm's arm, which had been thrown around Gabriella's shoulder, moved down to her waist. They shifted so they weren't in such an awkward position anymore. Gabriella had somehow gotten into Storm's lap, her hands entangled in Storm's damp hair.

It was far from the first time she made out with someone but never had it felt so good. So right. She was on fire and she never wanted to stop burning.

Craning her head back, she allowed Storm to kiss her up her jaw, tugging at her hair. One of Storm's hands was around her waist, the other now on her thigh. Her lips landed on her mouth again. It was sloppy, Gabriella didn't care, she was alive in a way she'd never been before.

Years she'd been dreaming about this, but fuck, a dream could never compare to reality. Never in a million years.


Storm had lost control. Gabriella consumed her mind, she was unable to think about anything else but her. Thoughts of the consequences of her actions had evaporated into thin air. She pulled away for a few seconds. They were both breathless, foreheads touching.

They gazed up at each other. Gabriella's lips were parted, she looked dazed. Storm imagined she did too. She placed her hand on Gabriella's neck and tilted her head, leaning in for another kiss. There wasn't a moment of hesitation as Gabriella's lips began moving against Storm's.

Gently, she pushed Gabriella down so she was lying back on the deck, exploring her body as her lips remained on hers. A heat was building up within her. She wanted more.

However, Storm came to her senses. She couldn't have more. Reluctantly, she pushed away from Gabriella. As she got up, her hands dropped to her sides and she already missed the feel of Gabriella.

There was a moment where they just stared at each other, Gabriella still on the ground. There was a searching look in Gabriella's eyes like she was trying to figure her out. Storm offered her a hand and she took it, letting Storm help her up.

What the fuck do you say to someone you just made out with?

Usually, it was easy for Storm to get a conversation flowing, but she found herself lost for words. Something that rarely happened. She didn't like it. Storm was easy-going and always prepared with something witty to say. But when she needed those skills, they were failing her.

Gabriella seemed to be in the same position, simply standing there. She probably hoped Storm would lead with something. Which she otherwise would. But it wasn't every day Storm made out with Gabriella fucking Hart.

Like her prayers had been answered, Ziv (who'd she'd completely forgotten about), showed up with two drinks in his hands. He handed the water to Storm with a smirk, silently telling her he'd witnessed their little make-out session.

"Gabi, would you mind helping me get some cookies my dad made?"

"I can help-"

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