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On the way out of her apartment, Gabriella bumped into Isla who must have been returning from wherever she'd been. She quickly apologized and took a proper look at Isla. Stood before her, Isla sported a knee-length satin cowl neck slip dress. It was a lavender purple, as Gabriella had learned Isla's outfits tended to be. She wore a pair of matching purple heels and a purse in the same color. Her hair was slightly messy and her makeup was not properly removed.

"Long night?" Gabriella asked, raising a brow.

Isla chuckled. "I went to a club and met this guy there. Didn't wake up until two hours ago. He was really sweet, though. Gave me breakfast and all. Where are you heading to? I like your outfit."

It was pretty casual, with a ribbed strappy white crop top, a short-sleeved cropped white cardigan she'd left open on top of it, and a pair of denim shorts with floral embroidery on the back pocket. Around her neck, she had a layered gold necklace and some other jewelry around her body. Her ears were decorated with earrings to fit her multiple piercings. She'd put on a white hairband to keep her hair out of the way and on her feet she had a pair of white sneakers. To go with the look, she'd also done a natural makeup look. That was about it.

"Thank you. I'm meeting my-" she hesitated, unsure whether or not to refer to Storm as her girlfriend or not. Storm had said she could tell someone as long as it wasn't someone who was close to Joey and she trusted them. Isla had barely met Joey and she felt like she could trust her, so she gave her the truth. "-girlfriend." A plethora of butterflies entered her stomach. She liked calling Storm her girlfriend.

A flash of something unrecognizable flew past Isla's face. However, she quickly recovered and replied. "I didn't know you have a girlfriend."

"It's pretty recent."

"Oh, okay. I'm happy for you, then. Do I know them? Or have heard of them?"

"I think I've mentioned her to you. Storm?"

"Isn't she your brother's best friend?"

Gabriella scratched her neck sheepishly. "Yeah, she is. Our relationship is sort of a secret as of now. Do you mind not telling anyone? I wouldn't have told you, but I feel like I can trust you and I really wanted to tell someone that wasn't Ziv."

Upon mentioning Ziv, Gabriella realized she'd yet to tell him about Storm asking Gabriella to be her girlfriend. She'd been so caught up in the whole family mess that she had forgotten about that. Gabriella made a mental note to tell him later.

Isla pretended to make a zipline over her lips and tossed away an imaginary key. "My lips are sealed."

Gabriella laughed. "Thank you. I better get going now, though. Storm is waiting for me downstairs."

"Then I won't keep you, have fun," Isla said, smiling.

Right as Gabriella entered the elevator, she saw Isla disappear into the apartment. When she reached the bottom floor and the elevator doors opened, she noticed Storm outside, leaning against her bike and typing away on her phone.

She made her way outside and threw her arms around Storm's neck from the back. Storm beamed and turned around to kiss Gabriella.

"Fancy seeing you here," Storm said, still smiling.

Her eyes trailed down Gabriella, admiring the view. Gabriella took the opportunity to do the same. Storm was clad in a tie front crop top with flared sleeves, it had an orange-yellow floral print and a plunging v-neck. She had on a pair of brown wide-legged jeans along with it and docs. To match her outfit, she'd done an orange and yellow makeup look with flower details on the eyelids. Gabriella's eyes flitted down to Storm's boobs for a second before she averted them guiltily, blushing.

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