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(inspirated by my friend<333)

It was friday and Hoppers came to visit them. Joyce was quite happy to see Hopper, more than she actually thought. Yet, she knew, she knew she loved him, but she would never admit it.

Jim and El came for dinner and a movie, which made everything more interesting. Joyce knew she would be able to cuddle with Hopper under the blanket again, which she looked forward to. They finished dinner quickly, but something seemed off, something about him.

When kids went to the living room, she finally allowed herself to look into his deep eyes and drown in them. Then it finally hit her.

''Hop?'', she asked as she sat back down to him.

''Yeah-?'', he asked, raising his eyebrow.

''Well, when did you slept last time? And don't you dare to lie to me.''

Hopper was clearly taken aback by the sudden question and he looked down, thinking. He sighed heavily and looked back at her eyes.

''I haven't sleep whole week''

''YOU- YOU WHAT?'', Joyce panicked, her eyes widened as he said it loud.

''Joyce-'', Hopper whispered quietly, but she didn't let him.

''JIM- Sleeping is important! And ONE WEEK?! HOLLY SH-''

''Joyce,..'', he said again, warning her.

She became silent, thinking. Then she got up and cleaned the kitchen, walking to the living room without any anyother word to him. Hopper suddenly felt guilty, so he got up and walked to them. He noticed that the kids already picked a movie and settled everthing down, so he sat down, close to Joyce but not this enough. He felt really bad because she ignored him, yet he didn't even know the reason.

Suddenly, she moved closer to him. It was the time where kids didn't perceive reality, but they were still whispering, for sure.

''Do you want to cuddle?'', she whispered to his ear, making him blush. Hopper thought of it, he knew it was a trap.

''Are you trying to seduce me into a healthy sleeping pattern?'', he whispered back, raising an eyebrow. It made Joyce gasp, feeling utterly exposed by him, and even embarassed that she trully believed this would work. She looked away.

''Maybe, or maybe I just want cuddles'', she murmured, trying to hide her smirk. 

Hopper sighed and looked on the Tv. But because he didn't sleep whole week, his head couldn't take the action and his eyes started to hurt him, his vision got a bit blurred so he closed his eyes for a bit, thinking. It took him atleast 10 minutes before he finally pulled closer to Joyce, resting his head on her shoulder.

''I am tired..'', he whispered silently that Joyce nearly didn't hear it. She put her hand on his hair and caressed him softly, earning a big smile from him. She was giving most of her attention to the movie, waiting patiently before she was 100% sure that Hopper was asleep. When she was sure, she gave him a soft kiss on his forehead and moved him closer to her, putting his head gently on her lap and covering him with blanket.

Will looked at her with puzzled look, but when she noticed that Hopper was asleep, he looked back without any question.

''Well'', Joyce said, ''it looks like you have a sleepover, El''

''YEY!'', El nearly screamed, but she was stopped by both Jonathan and Will.

Joyce just smiled and looked at Hopper, knowing that he won't wake up any soon, which made her a bit sad, but she knew he deserved sleeping. She was also wondering why he didn't sleep whole week, but it didn't take her much to releaze it.

Work. It was his work. He was overworking himself to get satisfied, but sometimes he forgot about his health. Joyce knew Hopper, and she was sure that this was the exact reason why he didn't allow himself to sleep. She sighed and played with his hair for a while, resting on her couch. Eventually, she was so comforted by him resting on her, that she fell asleep too.

Jopper Oneshots (by Nikol Mistr)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz