Chapter Fourteen

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Ella felt down when she got home, despite having no actual valid reason to feel so. Work in itself went well, and she should have felt happy. But something was bothering her, and she didn't know what. 

Ella realized she hadn't spoken to Sean as much as she usually did the past two weeks as she bid farewell to Lola. Work had taken over a lot of her time. She sat beside him on the couch and wrapped her arm around his broadening shoulders.

"Sean, is everything ok? I know I've been selfish this week with work. But, if you need to talk, I'm always here, ok?"

"I'm ok. I'm tired is all," he stood smiling. "I'm going to bed. I will be fine tomorrow, honestly," he chuckled, the smile not reaching his eyes as he walked away.

Ella wished she knew who the man was who'd said those offensive comments to her brother.

She would have given him a piece of her mind too. Sean was a kind young man and only wanted to take the man's daughter to a dance at their school. How could anyone say such a thing to a young boy? 

She sighed as she went into her bedroom, checking her phone as she lay on her bed.

 I see you arranged the flights to Rome Monday morning. I need to see you tomorrow to talk about our schedule. I will be at your place at 9 am. - Leonardo

He seemed very formal, and Ella felt guilty for her harsh tone earlier.

Sorry for being so harsh earlier. I overreacted. And what makes you think I will allow you into my place tomorrow after last time? - Ella

Ella knew Sean would be there tomorrow, so there would be no kissing or anything else for that matter.

It is ok. Jealousy can make us react in strange ways. You couldn't keep your hands off of me last time. See you tomorrow, Miss Quinn. - Leonardo

As soon as he replied, she was already typing, stupidly smiling at his message.

I was not jealous! And it was you who kissed me! - Ella

Ella bit her lip as she saw him typing again.

It's ok. I only have eyes for you, and there is no need to be jealous. And let's not lay the blame on me. We kissed each other. - Leonardo

He had to be kidding. Why else would he say he only had eyes for her? Despite knowing it was a joke, Ella felt butterflies in her tummy.

Only have eyes for me? I'd be flattered if it was not a joke. Ok, we kissed each other. - Ella

I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. Do you want me to kiss you again, to touch you? - Leonardo

Of course, she did, though she wasn't sure telling him that was a good idea. As she lay there in her bed, she wanted him to touch her, to invoke the response he had last time. Biting her lip and tensing her legs, she began typing.

Yes, I do. But I know it would be a terrible idea. - Ella

Damn, she couldn't believe she'd put that.

It would. That doesn't mean I can stop myself thinking about you. See you in the morning. I would appreciate black coffee when I arrive. Preferably in a cup and not on my shirt. Goodnight. - Leonardo

Ella was glad that it wasn't just her feeling consumed by her thoughts. Whether that was a good or bad thing, she didn't know.

Ella was glad the following day was brighter as she changed her bed sheets. Before she showered, she checked her phone and knew she had at least one hour before Leonardo arrived.

After her shower she put on some black sweatpants with a white top. Tying her wet hair in a messy bun, Ella looked in the mirror. It didn't look like she'd put in any effort, which was probably for the best.

Once she'd done some laundry, she tidied her lounge and made some coffee. 

Why was she so nervous suddenly? Was it too late to put something better on?

As she took a deep breath, the door knocked. 

"Good morning," she said, opening the door to Leonardo. When she saw the light blue shirt and black trousers he wore, paired with expensive shoes and coat, she wished she'd have put more effort into her appearance.

"Restless night, Ella?" He asked, tilting his head as she shut the door behind him, now feeling more self-conscious.

"Is it that obvious?" She asked, pouring their drinks as he took a seat at the small table.

"No, you look younger today, more innocent and fresh-faced if I am honest. I was referring to our late-night conversation. It kept me up for a long time."

"Oh," her hands were shaking as she finished making the drinks, and she wished she didn't blush so easily. She put the mugs down and sat across from Leonardo, wishing she had a big dining table. 

"Thank you. I wanted to make sure you were all set to travel on Monday. I understand it will be difficult to leave your brother. Are you sure you're ok with Diana coming here?"

Ella trusted that Diana would take good care of Sean. She'd even called in when Lola had been with Sean one of the days to get to know him.

Leonardo's concern was sweet, and she could see the genuine interest in the way those brown eyes looked at her.

"I am ok with it. I appreciate you asking," Ella replied, feeling stupid for wanting to cry.

"We have a lot of meetings planned, but I made sure we have some free time to explore," he drank the steaming hot coffee, and Ella wondered how it didn't scald his mouth.

Getting up from the chair, he put the cup down and walked around to where she sat. Assuming he was about to leave, she stood too, but instead of moving away, Leonardo leaned into her, taking one of her hands in his own. He was so close she would smell the coffee on his breath and feel his chest on hers every breath she took. As his eyes flashed to her lips, she knew what he was going to do, and she wanted him to. 

"Morning, Leonardo!" Sean said with an optimistic tone, not realizing what was about to happen, "I thought you were off work today, sis?" Sean said, making himself a bowl of cereal.

"I am. Mr. Russo just came around to talk about work things," Ella said, releasing Leonardo's hand and backing away from him, almost knocking her coffee off the table. 

"Hello, Sean. Nice to see you," Leonardo said, nodding to her younger brother, "I have to go. Rupert will be wondering where I got to."

He walked to the front door and stepped outside. Ella followed and pulled the door closed behind her. There was ridiculous tension between them, and Ella was still shaking from their almost kiss. She shouldn't have gone there. If Sean had seen, he'd have gotten the completely wrong idea about their relationship or lack of.

"That was stupid of me," Leonardo remarked, reaching a hand out to brush a stray hair behind her ear. Ella hated that the small gesture made her feel warm inside. "It is hard to reason when I am in your presence. We hardly know each other, but I'm drawn to you. Remaining professional with you is proving more difficult than I anticipated."

"I know how you feel," she replied, wanting to be honest. "But I'm not the kind of woman to have a fling, Leonardo. I want commitment. I want to love the person I go to bed with and for them to love me. I have Sean to think about too."

Taking a breath, Ella dared to look up at him and see his reaction. She didn't know what she expected him to say. She hoped he would give her a solution, maybe even ask her on a date. He didn't.

"That is why this is a terrible idea. I'm not capable of giving commitment or love. We'd have mind-blowing sex, and it would be fun, but that would be it."

"Then it's best we stop whatever this is," Ella wished he would tell her she was wrong, that he was wrong. Then, maybe he would be willing to try. They barely knew each other, but everything he'd done for her was already more than most, he was kind, and he made her body feel more alive than it ever had before. "If you ever change your mind, let me know."

And with that, heturned without a backward glance leaving Ella standing alone.

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