Chapter 91: King By Your Side.

Start from the beginning

Jeongguk stood up and smiled at his husband and Namjoon before turning around and giving a light bow to the crowd.

"Now, King Taehyung would like to say a few words." Namjoon nodded to the other male to let him know he could step forward.

Taehyung stepped forward to stand next to the warlock and took his hands in his own. He looked into Jeongguk's eyes before smiling and taking a breath.

"As King by my side, not only is this kingdom mine, but also yours, these people are our people, we rule over them with a kind heart and understanding grace that is defined by our love and willingness to be open with each other" Taehyung looked at the crowd before continuing.

"My husband and now King by my side, Jeongguk will rule for as long as I will remain king if I happen to die before him, he will reign till he dies and the throne will start anew"

There were a few gasps in the crowd, but they all knew it would be for the best of the kingdom.

"Jeongguk, don't you have a few words you'd like to say?" Namjoon asked as he gestured to him.

"Yes.." Jeongguk nodded as he cleared his throat quietly and took a breath. With a reassuring look given from his husband, Jeongguk started his speech.

"I know I came from a place much like where you all are from, I'd never thought my life would end up like this, being crowned King and living in the castle.. no, the little boy that came from living beside a river would never have thought he'd be here today.. standing in front of all of you and standing next to my husband, which I'm still surprised about to this day. " He giggled, making the crowd awe.

"I'm grateful you all gave me a chance, I'm grateful you all trusted me enough to be here today.. t-thank you all, " Jeongguk stammered at the end as he felt his eyes well up with tears, and a big, wide smile grew on his face.

Taehyung noticed the tears and pulled the warlock closer in his arms with a cooing noise. He rubbed his hand up and down the younger's back to help him calm down.

The crowd coo'd at the married couple, and a few women placed their hands over his heart as the king's affections made their hearts melt from the actions.

"There will be a feast this evening to celebrate the new King. Everyone may stay around the castle grounds till then!" Namjoon announced to the crowd, who all cheered before a few groups got up and started to exit the throne room.

"That went amazingly well," Namjoon said as he turned to talk to the couple. "Did it all go according to plan for you two?"

"Apart from me crying.." Jeongguk sniffed as he felt his husband wipe his tears. " did." He smiled.

"You crying didn't ruin any plans, it happens, it's okay baby." Taehyung smiled as he placed a kiss against Jeongguk's forehead.

"I would like to mention something.." Namjoon spoke, making the two look at him.

"Did something go wrong?' Jeongguk asked.

"Did we miss anything..?" Taehyung asked after.

"No, no, nothing like that!" The physician replied.

"Then what?" Taehyung asked.

"It's just that I heard that they didn't need to make any measurement changes to your mother's crown, Taehyung. They only cleaned and polished the silver and gems on it," He explained.

"See, it's like it was meant for you, baby," Taehyung chuckled as he placed another kiss against the warlock's cheek.

"What? No,that's.. that's just a coincidence.. right?" Jeongguk stammered.

"Maybe? Maybe not? Who knows? " Namjoon smiled as he shrugged. "Anyway, what are your plans for the feast?"

"Eat? Drink? Talk? What else?" Jeongguk questioned as he looked between the two males.

"Taehyung..?" Namjoon asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Something along those lines." He nodded and then winked.

"I'll be sure to tell the knights to have the night off then," Namjoon sighed before smiling.

"What..? Why -" Jeongguk's eyes then went wide before looking at Taehyung. "Don't you dare say it,"

"I didn't say anything." Taehyung raised his hands in defence. "We were thinking about it." He smirked.

Taehyung then noticed the look in the warlock's eyes. "And you're not opposed to it, right?"

"After the feast," Jeongguk gave a teasing smile. "Okay?"

"Okay," Taehyung nodded.

I hope you guys liked it,
Smut next chapter, and again, I don't want to see people skipping to the smut scenes before they know the story plot!
Is it tied in, okay?

That's all
I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜💜

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now