Jade stopped talking and looked at me confused. "ava?"

"sorry W-what did you just say?" I snapped back to attention.

"I said Matt had to do a 17 hour shift last night and keeps complaining about how his feet hurt but he refuses to get new shoes. He's too stubborn and doesn't want to listen."

I blinked a few times as jade continued on talking about matt, but I was too shocked and confused to listen. I swear I heard a voice say something. And it made me feel strangely sick to my stomach. The voice was sickeningly familiar and made me extremely uncomfortable. It was distorted and raspy.

Shaking my head I stood up and grabbed my tray to leave the cafe. I can't sit here anymore.

"hey where are you going? I'm in the middle of a story!" jade called out. 

I dumped my food and looked back at her. "ah I forgot I had something important to do back in the lab, I'll listen to your story later!" 

I waved and quickly left the cafe. Why do I suddenly feel like this? Closing my eyes momentarily I tried to regain my composure to forget about it and move on. I should get back to work…

–(hours later)--

After a hot shower I plopped down on my bed with a groan. I have so much work to do it's not even funny. Not to mention tomorrow is sample day meaning we have to run twice the number of tests and gather samples from all our 'residents'. And of course I'm assigned to s-59's sampling. 

Last month someone in the sample group was killed by S-59 and the entire sector had to go on lockdown. It was a bloody mess. I don't even wanna think about what might happen this time…

A knock on my door had me up on my feet once more as I walked over and opened it to see none other than kerian standing there awkwardly. 

"I hope I didn't wake you." he smiled down at me before stepping inside. 

"I just got out of the shower, what are you doing over here?" I shut the door behind me before leaning against it. 

"just came to check up on you, jade said you were acting strange earlier and walked out on her in the middle of a conversation. Not that I can blame you, she'll talk your ears off if given the chance." He smiled back at me and I chuckled at his remark.

"That's definitely true. I'm fine now, I just didn't feel so great earlier…you don't have to come over here every time to check on me you know. I'm capable of taking care of myself, and if anything does happen I'll come straight to you." 

He stepped back towards me and put his hand on my forehead as if checking for a fever. "I know, but what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't check in on you when I'm told you're not doing well?"

I rolled my eyes and pulled his hand away from my head. "I'm fine, Kerian. You don't have to worry about me, it was just my nerves getting the better of me…" 

That seemed to really catch his interest and he arched a brow. "Why are you nervous?" 

I pointed over to my calendar that showed the date and he followed my finger. "Tomorrow is sample day, and I've been assigned to S-59. Remember what happened last month? He killed someone in the sample group.

He? Why did I just call Subject 59 a he? I've never even seen it before.

Kerian grabbed my hand before bringing it up to his face to kiss my palm. "You're worrying over nothing. The security team will make sure nothing happens. You'll be perfectly safe I can assure you of that. And if anything does happen I'll come running over immediately."

"you'll be too busy helping the other sectors with any injuries the other team's get…"

"I could ask to be put on standby for your team?" 

"Kerian!" I gave him a small glare. "You can't abuse your position or power to take care of me, you have a job to do."

He scratches the back of his head awkwardly while looking at me. "I'm just trying to help make it less stressful for you. If me being there would calm you down then I'll gladly do it. "

Sighing I shake my head. "You're more troublesome than half the subjects in this facility."

He smiled again before leaning in and pushing me up against the door. "maybe but at least I'm better company than anyone or anything else in this entire bunker. Don't you agree?" his lips crashed into mine and a small squeak escaped me, at the sudden move.

After a moment I melted into the kiss and closed my eyes as I returned his affection just as fervently.

Breaking the kiss to catch our breath we looked at each other and he smiled down at me so lovingly that I almost wanted to just collapse in his arms. His hand moved to cup my face, with his thumb brushing my cheek as his eyes darkened.

"you're so beautiful Ava. perhaps the most beautiful thing on this planet…"

"You only say that now because we are stuck in this bunker for the next few years. Once we go back to the outside world you'll see plenty of beautiful women." I pouted.

"No. I'd rather stay a prisoner here for the rest of my existence than leave your side." he said sternly. 

I swooned a little at his words and smiled once more, leaning into his touch. I placed my hands over his as he held my face. "you're so dramatic…"

 he leaned in for another kiss, it was slow, serene and short this time.

"I won't let anything happen to you. You know that right? No one will take you away from me…" he hid his face in the crook of my neck and I paused for a moment realizing what was going on. He was trying to comfort me while also reassuring himself.

I smiled and patted his head, making him glance up at me. "thank you kerian. I'm not so anxious anymore."

He smiled before leaning his head against mine and holding me close. "Want me to stay with you tonight? In case you can't sleep?"

I quickly pecked a kiss on his cheek.



Opening my eyes I felt constrained and uncomfortable. Groaning, I sat up and found that kerian was sleeping beside me with one arm around my waist. Of course if wake up in the middle of the night.

Sighing I moved his arm and climbed out of bed, careful not to wake him. I moved to the bathroom and stretched my arms above my head. Flipping the light on I looked in the mirror while standing in front of the sink and sulked, just from seeing the dark circles under my eyes.

I can already tell i'm not going to be getting back to sleep anytime soon. And tomorrow is gonna suck.

Turning on the faucet I leaned over the sink and quickly dosed my face in water with my hands. The bathroom lights flickered off leaving me in the dark and I looked up at the ceiling confused by the sudden outage. Looking back at the mirror before me I paled, seeing a figure behind me, and I quickly spun around to face it. 

A dark shadowy humanoid figure with hollow white glowing eyes stood there towering over and staring down at me. 

My voice seemed to be stuck in my throat as I started back at the monster before me while my heart pounded against my chest. 

The shadowy creature took a step forward and leaned in, pressing its forehead against my own. I stopped breathing and froze in place, absolutely terrified.

My mind was racing as fast as my heart as I tried to comprehend what was happening, what this thing was and where it came from. 

It's clawed hand reached up to my face and I nearly whimpered, feeling it stroke my cheek. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping this was just some kind of nightmare, but my thoughts came to a screeching halt as a voice spoke up in the back of my mind. And my eyes shot open to look at the creature before me. 

The voice said. "Ava."

Subject-59Where stories live. Discover now