I am so not going easy on you.

Start from the beginning

"Where is Ash?" I asked him.

"So now it's Ash? Don't mess with me and stop playing with the two most important people in my life! Why would you do this to Luke?" He fired back.

"Do what! Don't pretend to be innocent.I know the childish games you are playing. I wrote the expert version of the same book!" I screamed back.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I didn't do anything. Get a grip you are the bitch here, playing with my best friend and my brother simultaneously even your own best friend got sick of it and left you! Open your eyes." He said and I laughed.

It seemed so funny how he could put everything on me.

" Un-freaking-believable!" I shrieked still scoffing " Are you out of your fucking mind? It's all your bullshit that got me into this. Your sick plan that your brother double dated me and Venessa. Ash here has just been more of a gentleman to come and put forward a peace offering for a war he didn't begin. You jerk! It's all your fault!" I finally spoke out the truth when Venessa and Ash entered looking shocked from the same corridor I came from a few minutes ago.

" what.." Nate tried to comprehend everything I said and stared at the ground to make sense out of it.

"Stel.." Ash said from the back but Venessa stopped him and confronted him about everything.

"Is it true? Did you know about everything all this time?" Venessa said.

"I did but I realized after Stella explained me the whole thing." Ash explained.

"He would never do that! Luke is my brother, Watch your tongue slut and admit it you are the one double dating! How do you explain that no one has ever seen Venessa and Luke together and the whole college has seen you cuddle with every guy you meet!" He said which made me want to slap him then and there.

"Hey watch it!" Venessa warned Nate.

"Or what?" Nate screamed louder.

"Fine lets all go and have a little chat with Luke shall we? Maybe you saint brother will know how to tackle your pretentious dumbness." I said and left to find Luke with Nate, Venessa and Ash on my trail.

"Listen he didn't do anything STOP punishing him" Nate screamed while still trying to catch up.

" You are such a back-bitch you could have stopped this from happening but you didn't!" I heard Venessa screaming at Ash when I caught a glimpse of Luke near the fountain.

" Great now this is all my fault!" Ash scoffed when the four of us circled around Luke.

"Say you didn't double date me and V. Say that this all wasn't Nate's idea!" I literally screamed at him while still looking straight in his eyes.

Luke gulped nervously while looking back and forth and all four of us.

"Don't you dare lie I have a copy of the Email you sent to Nate." Ash warned him.

"What Email?" Nate asked "You checked my Email? For her? Come on man." He completed disapprovingly while pointing at me.

"You like her?" Venessa asked clearing looking a little hurt and Ash looked at the ground. What's wrong with him why doesn't he say anything? The longer we stay on this topic the longer it will get embarrassing.

"Not the point!" I diverted everyone's attention back to Luke. " Spit the truth Sawyer." I gave him a threatening look.

"It was Nate's idea. On the first day after your detention..." He said when I cut him off with a victorious smirk.

"I know the rest." I said and rolled my eyes at Nate and left to go to my sorority room. I have a deep ass revenge to plan. Blair Waldorf style.

Ash and Venessa followed me back to the room. Ash was extremely quite I knew he was right, from the beginning but I also knew a part of him wished he wasn't. Nate was his best friend after all. I can't even begin to imagine how would I feel to find out that one of the closest people to me being the devil all along. I sighed.

Poor Ash.

"It's okay we will bring your good ol' buddy back on track.." I put a friendly arm around him "in my personal favorite style." I smirked at Venessa who clearly knew what's about to happen and gave me a warm smile.

"I wish he wouldn't have gone so low." Ash finally spoke.

"I know." I gave him a sympathetic pat. He was disappointed. So was I.

Together I and my two best friends stayed up all night to come up with a good revenge plan.

Brace yourself Nate Sawyer.

I am so not going easy on you.

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