Chapter 29 ~ kidnapped by wolves

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The next day the group was traveling  again .
Mia sighed softly then she looked at sara who seemed kinda down . " hey , what's got you  frowning ." Maya asked as Sara sighed. " just thinking about yesterday ."
" what about yesterday. Does has something to do with shesshomaru?" She whispered..
Sara nods . " yeah . You don't think he's dead ?" She asked lowly . Maya nods . " no , he's like ghost face he always comes back ."
Sara laughed. " yeah .. i guess your right ."
" wait .. why do you care ?" Maya asked confused .
" I-." Sara was cut off by Inyuasha.
" blood !"

Maya stops  and blinks owlishly, "Say what now?"
Jasmine  stops in her tracks, causing the others to stop a few steps away from her, gazing at her in confusion.
"What's wrong, Jasmine?" Sango asked in concern.
they come across a devastated village that smelled heavily with blood and massacre.
" What is this!?" Miroku gasped.
"Oi! Is ayone here!?" Shippo  called out to any potential survivors in this village, but to no avail.

"Sango , take a look at this!" Sango approaches Jasmine  from behind and kneels down, to the paw prints embedded on the
dirt. "This is.."
"A wolf...Not just one .... but many." Jasmine  noted, trailing her hand across the tracks. "And they're still fresh."
"The work of a wolf pack?" Sango inquired.
"Looks like it." Jasmine  replied.

" I did sensed a Sacred Jewel fragment moments ago. Maya   mumbled, to which Sara and Jasmine  nodded in agreement.
"Probably. Demons have to be involved in this!" Inuyasha stated.
Then they heard it . Low, rich warning growls resonated from the shadows of the trees and huts. The group stays with each other, ready to draw out their respective weapons when a pack of wolves emerges from the shadows, their footsteps are light as they approached the group with their fangs bared. "There!" Shippo  squeaked as she immediately jumps behind Maya, "Man-eating wolves!"

And now they're surrounded by wolves.
"Keh! Let's have it out then! Without the pack, they're helpless! I'll get rid of you all!" Cracking his fingers one by one, Inuyasha lunges at the wolves and slaughters them all effortlessly without having the need to draw out his sword. Once the wolves realizes that they have
encountered a formidable opponent, they runs away with their tails between their legs, raising their heads to the sky and howls.

"They're howling!" Shippo shrieked.
"They're calling for more comrades!" Miroku stated. And then the girls sensed it. A Sacred Jewel fragment. And it's coming at them real fast.
"Inuyasha , I sensed the Sacred Jewel fragments! And it's coming closer!" Maya informed to the half demon.
Suddenly, a whirlwind appears right before them. When the whirlwind disperses, the young man makes his appearance in front of the group.

" You.." the young male glowers at Inuyasha hatefully,
"Why did you kill my minions?"
Inuyasha growls, "So you're their leader!"
"What of it?" the young male retorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "You killed my dear wolves! I won't forgive you!"
"Shaddup! You reek of human blood! How many have you killed?"
"I just let them feed. Any complaints, you mutt!"Inuyasha's eyebrow twitches at that nickname he bestowed on him, "Your calling me a mutt ?!"
"I hate the smell of dogs. It makes me sick to the stomach!" the young male spat, as if the word 'dog' leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Well then, I'Il slit that belly in two and let some air through!" Inuyasha draws out his Tessaiga and swings it at the wolf demon, who effortlessly dodges by leaping into the air, much to Inuyasha's shock. He spins around

as a mini tornado appears, then he makes a nose-dive at Inuyasha to punch him, who dodges but the wolf demon swiftly did a round-house kick to Inuyasha's face, sending him flying away.
"W-What!?" Miroku gaped.
"He's fast!" Sango exclaimed.

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