Chapter 19 ~ enter sango

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Third POV

" she knows you Inyuasha " sara says confused while Inuyasha looked confused himself about the girl with the boomerang. "Well do you know her ?" Maya questions him . " of course not stupid?!" Inyuasha replied back to maya who gave him the look . " well then who is she ?" Jasmine replied. " that is sango the demon slayer . Master Inuyasha . Trust me you must not fight her " myoga explained to Inyuasha on his shoulder. " Hiraikotsu !" Sango says throwing her Hiraikotsu . " you really got to work on your timing " Inyuasha says pulling out his Tessaiga and blocking her Hiraikotsu .

The Hiraikotsu comes back to sango and she catches it . " hey . What are you coming after me for ?" Inyuasha says to sango . " silence I'm here to avenge my people " sango replied throwing her Hiraikotsu at Inyuasha once more . " unh!" Inyuasha says as he doges her attack . " myoga . What's she talking about anyways " Inyuasha replied . " I have no idea . But here it comes again. Sangos Hiraikotsu charges back to Inyuasha . He doges once more .

"Go Inyuasha!" Shippo cheers on the sidelines with the rest of the group . " shippo he's clearly losing " Jasmine responded " if only she didn't have her weapon fedwa replied . " Sara's right we have to do something about her weapon" maya said . " I agree" miroku said " wind tunnel!" Miroku tries to suck the Hiraikotsu in mid air . " I got it " he replied. " miroku look out . It's narakus insect's!" Jasmine yells as the insect fly towards the wind tunnel. " she's right you'll be poisoned again if you suck them in " sara warned him . " what are they doing here ?" Miroku says as he quickly closed off his wind tunnel.

" what !no way?!" Inyuasha said as naruku appeared behind sango . " naruku " Inyuasha mumbled. " Inyuasha, she will destroy you so you might as well accept your fate." Naruku said . " keep dreaming, monkey . It's you that's going down. " Inyuasha says charging and jumping towards naruku . Sango whips out her chain and causes Inyuasha to fall on the floor . " I am your opponent. Not him." Sango said . " if you keep interfering like this . I'm gonna have to take care of you !!" Inyuasha says threatening her!". " maybe my village was easy for you to slaughter but I won't go down that easy" sango said .

" she thinks Inyuasha destroyed her village?" Junko says confused. " but he didn't?" Sara replied. " yeah but she doesn't seem to get it " jasmine said " I bet naruku lied to her " maya said . " Yeah because there's no way he destroyed her village " sara said . As sango threw her Hiraikotsu in mid air . Maya , Jasmine and Sara gasp.

" she has a jewel shard !" maya, sara and Jasmine said at the same time as the three looked at each other. Sango threw her Hiraikotsu and Inuyasha reflected it once more with his sword ." Get her Inyuasha before her weapon returns !" Miroku yelled . " what do you think I'm doing?!" He said " not fighting that good " Jasmine yelled .

Sango quickly threw her poison powder. Inyuasha stopped and covered his nose . " it's easy to overcome the delicate senses of a mongrel like you." Sango said " dam i can't get close " Inyuasha thought. " ha! the slayer will finish him off in no time ." Naruku said as he watched the fight between Inyuasha and sango

" well well if it isn't the holy monk"naruku said as miroku stood in front of him. " naruku prepare to die " miroku said. " my apologies for not obligating you but all I shall prepare to do is gather all the Jewel shards ." Naruku said . " what ever your up to it's over " miroku replied . Naruku drew a sword and the two began to duel. Miroku using his staff won knocking off narukus hand off .

Naruku on the ground with miroku pointing his staff in front of him."he did it!" Sara cheers. " ahhhhh!" The girls scream as the hand charges at maya and rips the bottle necklace off of Maya's neck and goes back to naruku. " the shards are not for people like you guys . Now that I possess it there is no reason for me to stay ." Nakuru said . " Not without a fight naruku !" Inyuasha said . " I bid you farewell ." Naruku said Before disappearing.

Sangos pov
Can I really trust naruku ? I thought watching him vanish. " meow" i hear a familiar voice . I turn and see kirara . I kneel down . " kirara ?! Your still alive !" She jumps in my arms . " kirara I want you to fallow naruku if he does anything strange kill him i whispered to her . She growls and jumps out of my arms to fallow him . " prepare to fight inyuasha or die on the spot . "

Third POV
" what's her problem ?!" Maya said getting frustrated. " you can't blame her she's being played by naruku and doesn't even know it ." sara said . " right " maya said sighing . Sara smiles at her . " Man I hate when your right ." Maya replied crossing her arms .

" listen ! Why don't you back off ! Im not interested ok! " Inyuasha responded . Sango throws her Hiraikotsu at Inyuasha Who doges . " cut it out ! " he says trowing his tessaiga at the ground she was Standing under . She loses her balance and her Hiraikotsu flys passed her . " no ! she says trying to go after it but fails . " not so tough now are yah !" Inyuasha says charging at her . " poison powder !" Sango says trowing it on to the ground while leaping in the air .

Inyuasha breaks her poison shielding mask . She covers her mouth quickly. Inyuasha takes her arm and pull her away from the poison powder. " what's he doing ? . He's saving me ? " sango thought in her head . Inyuasha lands on the ground with her . " why? He's the one who attacked my village?!" Sango thought as she drew her sword and stabbed Inyuasha's arm .

The group runs towards them . " you idiot haven't you realized naruku is playing with you ?" . He snatches the sword from her . " Give it up I haven't even started yet and your covered in blood "
" Inyuasha are you okay?" " I'll live " he responds to fedwa . Sango faints and passes out on the floor . " is she dead ?!" Jasmine panicked looking over at sango . " I don't think so . I think she fainted " sara replied. " she has a jewel shard on her back. I can see it " maya says " no wonder she lasted so long . I can tell from start her wounds were badly Injuries by the smell of her blood ." Inyuasha responds . " where did midnight go ?" Maya responds looking around . " who care let's go ! We have to catch up with naruku! " Inyuasha said to maya who sighs .

Sara grabs Sangos Hiraikotsu from the ground while Jasmine puts on her skates . Sara and maya help put sango on Inyuasha's back so he can carry her . " come on people we don't have all day !" Inuyasha says . Sara hops on to make sure sango doesn't fall off and because she's not a fast runner. " I guess I'm walking?" Maya responded . " like you can run idiot " Inyuasha responded lifting maya up in his arms . " nope! Nope ! I rather ride on your back . Maya quickly responded. " well too bad ! Sara is already riding back to make sure that idiot doesn't fall off ! Now quit your complaining!" Inuyasha said running after naruku sent with Jasmine skating and shippo running behind him .

Sara's POV
Inuyasha was running fast with me and sango on his back while carrying mia in his arms . I was checking on her every minute to make sure she was okay . She then started to wake up and panic. " put me down ! What are you up to ?" she yelled at Inyuasha . " be quit !" He responded." it's okay . I move Inyuashas hair up so I can see her . We are not going to hurt you I promise " I say to her . " we're going after naruku because he stole a jewel shard from us " maya explained. " he called you sango right ? Well sango if you bug me anymore . I'll dump you off here ." Inyuasha said . " what ?" She responded angrily .

" he doesn't mean it " I say to her . " Inyuasha! You can't say that! We really need to work on your people skills. No wonder why people think you are so rude " mia responded. " he puts on this big tough boy act to try and hide the fact he's actually sweet " Sara explained. " humph . You wish . " he responded sarcastically. " keep it up and I'm dropping you and maya" he responded to the girls . " Inyuasha ! You better not try ! I swear I will drop you next !" Maya responded. Fedwa giggles . " Sango we didn't wanna leave you because your wounds are to deep " Jasmine said skating on the side . " let's get a move on people! Your not getting away with this naruku ! " Inyuasha responded .

Next chapter will be out soon

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