Chapter 2

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The band continued to play music for another hour or so, and in the meantime Leah and I decided to grab our third drink of the night. I told her that I would buy it for us and she went over to chat with some of the other guys that had showed up to meet her.

I leaned against the bar waiting for the bartender to serve me when I heard a cough come from behind me. I turned my head over my shoulder to see Ian standing there with a smirk on his face.

“Your ass looks good in that dress” he said in his raspy voice.

“Get lost” I said back, my heart freezing in my chest. My head began to spin, what was my ex boyfriend doing here of all places? This was bad, very bad.

His green eyes stared into mine and I swallowed hard, fighting back tears. Before I knew what I was doing, I was pushing through crowds of people to try and find the bathroom, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

Where was the bathroom in this place, like really?! I found a back hallway thinking it might be there but no luck. I spun around, trying to figure out where I had ended up. The alcohol made my vision fuzzy and before I knew it I had tripped on my own foot. Preparing to hit the floor I surprised when I felt someone’s arms around me. Standing me up straight I recognized that it was the cute guitar player I’d locked eyes with earlier in the evening.

“Lost?” he asked, holding my arm to steady me.

All I could do was nod, “ I was trying to find the bathroom actually” I said wiping a tear from my cheek.

“How about I buy you a drink to make you forget whatever it is that’s making you cry?” he asked with a goofy smile, forcing me to giggle. I nodded my head in agreement and let him guide me back into the bar.

The sound of voices filled the air and once again we are surrounded by people. We walked in the direction of the bar trying to move past all of the people. Getting in line, the brown-eyed boy leaned closer to me so I could hear him over all of the noise.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“Sutton” I said smiling up at him, “How about you?”

“Nice to meet you Sutton, I’m Jack” he said excitedly, “Its so nice playing a show at a 21+ bar.”

“Why is that?” I ask curiously.

“Well usually we play for a bit of a younger crowd, we love them but it’s nice to get a break from the screaming girls and actually be able to hang out at the venue for a bit with people our own age.”

“ I have to admit, I remember you guys from a few years back, I didn’t know you were still around” I respond, enjoying how the conversation flowed easily between us.

“We’ll be around forever!” he cheered, and I laughed.

We continued on making small talk for a bit before Ian shoved his way through the crowd with an angry look on his face.

“Come on Sutton we’re leaving” he growled grabbing my arm. I tried to shake him free,

“Get off I’m not going anywhere with you!”

“Hey man lay off” Jack said, stepping between Ian and I.

“Who do you think you are?” Ian said, trying to intimidate him but he wasn’t as tall as Jack was.

“Get out of here Ian. You’re lucky I haven’t called the police. This violates your restraining order” I said angrily.

Ian couldn’t do anything but huff and storm off, disappearing into the crowd.

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