Chapter 8

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Jack's POV

The kiss was short and sweet, but enough to get Sutton smiling again, not to mention my heart racing at a million beats per minute. She brushed any tears she had left out of her eyes and sighed, she looked exausted. It probably didn't help that we'd all had way too much to drink but the stunt Rachel pulled caused us to sober up a little. 

Alex came back into the laundry room with a box of tissues and handed them to Sutton. 

"Thanks Alex" she said, sniffling and trying to force a smile. 

"No worries. What was with that Rachel girl anyway? Has she always had it out for you?"

"No, its weird because we've always gotten along fine. She lives with Leah and sometimes Leah says she can be a little nuts but I've worked with her for months now and I've never had a problem." she said, shrugging. 

"She had the crazy eyes I'll tell you" I added in, making Sutton laugh a little bit. 

"I'll be steering clear" she replied, raising both her hands  in defense. 

"Leah seemed pretty upset" Alex said, "She really cares about you."

Sutton's eyes filled up with tears again and she let out a little sob. Alex and I looked at eachother and I pulled Sutton in for another hug. 

"Don't leave me alone tonight" she mumbled into my chest. 

"Should I call a cab?" Alex whispered to me. 

I nodded, and he lifted his phone to his ear and walking out of the laundry room. 

"Your place or mine?" I asked, pulling away from her to see her face. 

"You've never been to my place? Well its not much of a place but you might like it" she replied looking down. 

"I'd love to"  I said, pulling her back in. We stood there for a while and I could feel Sutton relaxing in my arms. I felt so bad for what had happened, but now I was curious about what Rachel was talking about when she referenced 'pills' being a better way to deal with Ian beating her. Thinking about anyone laying a hand on her in the first place sent a surge of anger through my entire body. No woman should ever feel like a man could, or would hurt them.

Did she start taking pills? Was she still doing it? I'd have to talk to her later. It was never fun pushing these things but I knew from past experiences people who have secrets build walls and eventually lock you out all together. That couldn't happen with her, I wouldn't let it. 

"I'm so tired" she said, breaking the silence. 

"Me too, do you want to go wait for the cab?"

"I don't want to go back out there, I feel like I caused such a scene." she replied with a frown. 

"There's a back door we can slip out of, I'll go and grab your shoes" I replied. 

She nodded, and I brushed a piece of hair out of her face before heading to the front door to find the pair of converse I knew were hers. The party was back in action like nothing had happened thank god, but I bumped into Cassadee and Rian on the way to the front door. 

"Jack!" Cassadee called, "Alex told me what happened, where is Sutton?" 

"In the laundry room. We're going to slip out the back door, she's embarrassed and doesn't want anyone to see her." I replied. 

"I'm going to go see her for a quick second" she said, running off. 

"That girl was crazy! Hopefully Sutton's alright" Rian said sympathetically. 

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