32. Black Manor

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-Y/n's pov-

When we were finally released from the ministry, we immediately went to the Malfoy manor to get all our stuff while Bella was preparing the Black manor. 

Almost immediately, we moved in and had our first days, it was peaceful, the Black manor is big but has a much better vibe compared to the Malfoy manor.

I am laying on the couch, it's 2AM and I woke up early, I just look out of the window, thinking about all these months, I am on house arrest

Which means I am not allowed outside the Black manor without an auror or Cissa, which I don't really mind, I don't want to go outside, scared of what people think.

I decide to get back to bed so I walk upstairs, the sound of nothing is calming, no screaming of people getting tortured, no people talking, just... Silence.

I get into my room and see my girlfriends sleeping, Cissa is holding a pillow where I used to lay, I slowly pull away the pillow and place myself in my girlfriends arms 

I snuggle into her, she pulls me even closer to her and I bury my head in her neck, inhaling her scent before slowly drifting off.


I wake up from someone scratching my scalp 'good morning, my love' I hear Cissa say 'morning, baby' I say and kiss her 'morning, Bells' I say and kiss my other girlfriend 

'had a good sleep?' she asks and I nod 'I was awake for a moment at 2 but then I could sleep again' I tell them 'great' Bella says.

We lay there for a while, just enjoying each others company after days without contact with each other.

'let's get breakfast' Cissa then says, they stand up from the bed, I sit up and stretch 'god, this bed is amazing' I say and lay back down 'it's much better' Cissa says and I chuckle 

'I can sleep on everything' Bella says and my smile falters 'sorry, I forgot' I say 'it's okay, my love' Bella says and we walk downstairs.

We make breakfast and make ourselves ready for the day, I just brush my hair, do my skincare, brush my teeth, do a little makeup on and change into a shirt and sweatpants.

Around lunchtime the bell goes, Cissa goes to the door as Bella and I are just chatting away, suddenly I stop talking and listen to Cissa talking to the person 

'this isn't feeling good' I tell Bella and she nods, we walk towards the front door and see Lucius 'but Cissa please take me back, it's the best for Draco!' he says 

'the only way for you to stay out of Azkaban is coming back to me so no!' she says 'what is this commotion?' I ask 'you, you ruined everything!' he says and Cissa pulls me behind her 

'don't talk to her like that!' she says and he raises his hand 'stupefy!' I shout and let him fly away, to the aurors who were waiting for him. 

'take him away!' I shout and close the door, I then see my girlfriends laughing 'what!?' I ask 'jealous much?'Bella says 'I ain't jealous' I mutter 'sure you are, baby' Cissa says and gives me a peck.


It has been a few weeks and Bella has gone to her psychologist, we can see her change, she eats more and takes care of herself, it's great seeing her recover from that traumatic time in Azkaban.

I smile as I see my girlfriends talking, they have such a great band, suddenly Bella looks at me and smiles 'come here sweet girl' she says and I sit between them 

'we were talking about you' Cissa says 'oh no' I say 'yeah, about the first time I saw you, compared to the first time Bella saw you' Cissa explains 'oh gosh' I say and they chuckle 

'yeah, there was quite difference' Bella says and I nod 'yeah with Cissa I was like eleven and with you I was already.. Fourteen?' I think and she nods.

'and now us three are sitting here, it was meant to be' I say and they nod, smiling to their selves 'we have this amazing girl to ourselves' Bella says and hugs me, causing me to chuckle 'and I have these two amazing women to myself' I say and smirk 

-Four years later-

I have a date with my girlfriends and they told me to come to this cliff in the forest near our house, I am walking alone and it's already night.

I then see light, I walk towards it and notice a picnic setup with candles all around it, my girlfriends sitting there, waiting for me 'hey loves' I say and smile as they stand up 

'Y/n, my love.' Cissa starts 'we have something to tell you' Bella says and she goes on one knee, my hands fly up to my face as tears form into my eyes 'will you marry us?' she asks 

'YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!' I shout and hug them, peppering their faces with kisses.

-Eight years later-

So a lot happened, you can't believe it but I am an auror, Bella is a potions teacher at Hogwarts and Cissa is working at the ministry. 

We also have two children, Destiny, my youngest daughter of three and James my eldest of five, they're amazing children and I love them with my entire heart.

But they're not my only children, yes, my best friend is my stepson, which I never call him that but it's still funny to know.

So, Draco, he ended with Astoria, as Harry is married to Ginny, Ron and Hermione are together, Blaise and Pansy and so on, everyone is happy.

I never thought that this would be my life, but I couldn't imagine it any better, two amazing girlfriends and three children... ;) 

The end of Captivated by them. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, I am not sure about this story but decided to just put it online and hope you all enjoyed it. I certainly did while writing!


Love y'all <3

Captivated by their love ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix and Narcissa BlackWhere stories live. Discover now