27. Snatchers

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-Y/n's pov-

We stayed in this forest for a little while, just waiting for a sign of someone or something, most of the time we are not talking to each other. I am laying on my bed when I hear shouting, I open my eyes and quickly get outside.

There is Ron, he looks tired, Hermione is punching him with his own bag and shouting words at him, I frown as I look at the scene, Hermione then walks away. 

She turns towards him 'And exactly how is it you have the Sword of Gryffindor?' Hermione asks 'It's a long story.' Harry says 'Don't think this changes anything.' Hermione says 

'No, of course not. I only destroyed a bloody freaking Horcrux! Why would that change anything! Do you know what it was like for me to hear those words coming from you! To see you doing those things' he says but stops mid sentence 

'See me doing what things?' Hermione asks but he doesn't answer, she then looks at Harry 'What happened out there?' she asks 'It's a long story.' he answers 'Look, I wanted to come back the minute I'd left. I just... didn't know how to find you.' Ron explains 'Exactly how did you find us?' I ask 'With this.' he says and hold up that thingy that can hold light orbs.

'It doesn't just turn off lights.I don't know exactly how it works,but Christmas morning I -- I was sleeping -- in this little pub--I'd given some Snatchers the slip the night before, me being a blood traitor and all -- anyway, I was sleeping when I heard it...' he explains '

'it?' I ask 'a voice' he answers 'Your voice, Hermione. Coming out of this' he explains 'And what may I ask did I say?' she asks, I chuckle lowly, she's so pissed off but that makes me laugh so hard.

'My name. Just my name. Like a whisper. So I took this and I clicked itand this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew.' he explains 'Knew what?' Harry asks 

'Just knew. On account of Hermione's voice. And sure enough, it floated toward me, the ball of light, right to my chest and then -- went straight through-- right here.' Ron explains and points to his heart 

'I could feel it inside me. It was warm, like the first sip of a good cup of tea. And I knew it would take me where I needed to go. So I disaparated and came out on this hillside. It was dark. I didn't have any idea where I was. I just had to hope one of you would show yourselves in the end. And you did.' he adds.


It's currently night time, everyone is asleep, well not everyone I ain't asleep, I am thinking about my beautiful girlfriends Bella and Cissa

'you're thinking about us, love?' I suddenly hear Cissa's voice woah you're also in my head? I think and I hear her laugh 'also?' she asks Bella did this once I explain 'ah makes sense, well she can hear you too right now' Cissa says 'hello sweet girl' I hear Bella says hey Bells

'how are you sweet girl?' she asks I am okay, they've destroyed one of the horcruxes, the locket. they also have the sword of gryffindor I explain 

'yeah we saw it happen, your father suddenly head a pain in his heart... and the sword of gryffindor?' Cissa asks yeah, Harry and Ron suddenly had it. So is my father growing weaker? I ask 'that's what happening, yes' Bella says okay so we need to find a plan to stop it

'we do' Bella says okay, can you two inform this to my father please? I ask 'of course, my love' Cissa says thanks, I love you both I say and hear them laugh 'we love you too, dove' Cissa says.


'hey Y/n?' I suddenly hear Hermione say 'hm?' I ask and turn towards her 'what is that in your neck?' she asks 'what?' I ask and we walk towards the mirror 

'this' she says and points to the serpent mark in my neck 'oh, that's a serpent mark' I tell her 'yeah that's what I know, but how?' she asks 

'apparently all Riddles have one, kind of curse' I tell her 'damn' she says and I nod 'but it's in my neck so I mostly hide it with my hair' I tell her and she nods. 


We apparated to his house and he tells us that Luna is kidnapped. But he also tells us about the Hallows, a stone, a cloak and a wand, but then Xenophilius said Voldemort and almost immediately death eaters have surrounded the house.

We quickly get down to the ground while death eaters are destroying his house, I hear Xenophilius shouting outside, for his daughter. 

We get all together and we apparate away 'bloody hell is there no one we can trust?' Ron says irritated, I lean against a tree.

'they kidnapped her because he supports us, he was just desperate' Harry says, I stood up walking to the trio 'i'll do the enchantments' Ron says and turns around.

I also turn around but then face a man, Scabior... So, Snatchers 'hello beautiful' he says and I look at Hermione, Ron and Harry 'snatchers' I say and then more people appear and we start running through the forest while shouting and firing spells at the snatchers.

Then we get cornered, this will be fun. Hermione and I look around when Harry runs down to us but Hermione casts the stinging jinx at him and his whole face blows up 

'blimey Hermione' Harry says feeling his face, I quickly use a cover up spell on myself and on Hermione and Ron, who is also running towards us, now we're unrecognizable. 

Suddenly the snatchers grab us. 'don't touch them!' Ron shouts but he gets a knee in his stomach 'hey, let go of me!' I shout but the man holds me tightly.

Scabior then walks towards me and I look up at him, his filthy fingers are on my chin, ooh once I tell my father this he's dead 

'my father won't be happy once I tell him that you've bloody touched me!' I shout in his face 'ahw, your father won't do anything to us' Scabior says and I chuckle 'you think' I say, he rolls his eyes and walks away, towards Harry.

'And what happened to you, ugly?' Scabior asks Harry, but Fenrir also looks at him 'no, not you' Scabior tells Fenrir 'What is your name?' he asks 'Dudley. Vernon Dudley.' Harry says and I mentally roll my eyes

'Check it.' Scabior says before walking away, towards Hermione 'and you, my lovely? What do they call you' he says, she looks at me for a second and then at him.

'Penelope Clearwater, half-blood' she lies 'There is no Vernon Dudley on here.' one of the snatchers then says, I try to get loose but no use 

'You hear that ugly? This means you're lying to us. Why didn't you tell us who you are?' Scabior asks Harry 'you probably made a mistake, I already told you who I am.' Harry scolds them 'well then' Scabior says

'I am curious who this little girl is, with her father' he spits, a smirk grows on my face and I take off my cover up spell 'Y/n Riddle' I say and the snatcher let's go of me, but Scabior laughs 

'nah you can't be her!' he says 'and why is that Scabior?' I ask 'because you look nothing like her' he says 'oh then you didn't look good, because the last time I checked, I have my Riddle mark' I say and show it to him 

'that's probably a fake, done by magic' he says 'that's the thing Scabior, no Riddle mark can be made by magic' I say and smirk 'you're lying' he says and I laugh. 

Scabior walks away and walks towards Harry 'we're not taking this lot to the ministry' he says and a snatcher grabs me as they apparate, I notice the house immediately, Malfoy manor. 

Captivated by their love ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix and Narcissa BlackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang