26. Journey

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Sorry that these parts are mostly the same as my other book, connection. It's just hard to write a story and make it original while also wanting to follow the storyline, my apologies.

-Y/n's pov-

So we went to the house of the order, staying low here for a little while. We all decide to take a rest because we're all tired, but suddenly I wake up from shouting.

'Y/n, Harry, Hermione!' I wake up hearing Ron shout, I sit up, no one is with me. I stand up and walk around. I then find Ron. He's is standing in front of a room 'fabulous..' Hermione says sarcastic looking around the messy room, I frown as I look around 'what is with this Ron?' I ask

'this' Ron says pointing at the name tag 'Regulus Arcturus Black' Harry reads 'R.A.B' Ron explains 'what is R.A.B?' I ask and look at them.

'the locket, that Dumbledore and I got, it was fake, there was a note in it that said R.A.B' Harry explains and I frown 'what locket?' I ask 'let's go' he says and we walk to the kitchen, we sit down and Harry grabs a locket again reading the note.

Then in all of the sudden, we hear sounds, we quickly but quietly stand up walking towards the door it came from, when Harry opens it was just a stupid house elf.

Harry knows the elf but I didn't recognize him, Harry started to ask the elf many questions 'Y/n, stay here, we are going to the Ministry, it isn't safe if you come with us' Hermione explains after they made the plan, I nod and they apparate away.


It has been a few silent hours, I just rested and did absolutely nothing. Suddenly I hear sounds coming from the kitchen and I slowly walk towards it, my wand in my hand, when I arrive I gasp, Ron is laying on the ground with a bloody arm, Hermione is aiding him.

'what happened?!' I ask 'Ministers came after us, they didn't catch us' Hermione explains

'but we got this' Harry says with a big smile holding the horcrux in the air 'and is that the real one?' I ask and he nods 'Umbridge had it' he answers and Ron sits up 

'we have to leave this place soon' I then say 'why is that?' Hermione asks 'hello? What do you think? Death eaters?' I ask and she nods 'good point' she says and I nod.

We all stand around Hermione who aparates us to the forest. 'let's set the camp down here, we can't take the risk of getting caught with Ron's injured arm' Hermione explains walking over to a specific place starting to wave her wand around.

'can you two put up a tent?' she then asks and Harry looks around 'where do you think I have to get a tent?' he asks and I grab her infinity bag.


I walk outside and see Snatchers, one has a body over his shoulder and the other is commanding him around

Hermione standing in front of a Snatcher but he doesn't see her, they then walk away and I walk towards her 'Snatchers' I say, she turns to me 

'good to know your enchantments work' I add and look around 'he could smell it. My perfume' she explains.

'as much as I love that perfume, I'd consider not using it' I say and she nods 'we also need to leave, they walked close to the border, just a meter to the left and we've been discovered' I tell her 'Ron isn't strong enough to apparate' she says 

'then we'll walk by foot' I say and she nods 'now get inside and get some sleep, you need it' I tell her and she nods, walking inside. I look into the distance for a moment, thinking about everything.


Right now we're near a lake, it's beautiful. We've been traveling for quite a while now, it's peaceful but everyone is growing paranoid.

Captivated by their love ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix and Narcissa BlackМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя