30. Hogwarts

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-Y/n's pov-

So uhm, my father just found out that Harry once again got another horcrux, we're now in the big room and dead people are laying on the ground.

I notice Bella sitting against the wall with her head in her knees, it breaks my heart to see her like that.

I am standing next to Cissa as my father is walking through the piles of dead people with Nagini slithering after him, he's walking towards us.

'the boy has discovered our secret, Nagini. It makes us vulnerable. We must deploy all of our forces now to find him. And you, my friend, must stay close' he says as he apparates away

I run towards Bella, avoiding the bodies, I fall on my knees and she looks up 'he's gone, it's okay' I whisper and she smiles softly as I grab her hand. 

-Harry's pov-

We're inside of hogwarts! We did it. After we had to leave Y/n at the manor, we stayed at the beach house of Bill and Fleur. We wrote countless of letters to Y/n, but never got one back.

Right now the students are called into the great hall, I have a plan, I'll hide with the students and confront Snape.

We get into the great hall and stand in blocks, Snape stands on the spot where Dumbledore always stood, two death eaters behind him.

'many of you probably are wondering why I have summoned you this night, it's come to my attention, that earlier this evening Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade' Snape says, students start whispering.

'now.' Snape continues and everyone quickly grows silent 'if anyone, student or staff attempt to aid to Mr. Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression furthermore' Snape explains 

'any person who has found knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty' Snape says but no one steps forward

'now then...' he adds and starts walking 'if anyone here... has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening... I invite them to step forward... now' he says. No one steps forward and I find this the good time to step forward. 

I walk through the Gryffindor students and people gasp as I come in sight ''it seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you have a bit of a security problem, headmister' I say, the door behind me opened while I talked and the order walks in.

'I am afraid it is quite extensive' I add 'how dare you stand where he stood? Tell them what happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and you killed him. Tell them.' I say, but Snape quickly grabs his wand and points it at me.

But then Mcgonagall steps in front of me and Snape lowers his wand, the students quickly go to the side and Snape quickly raises his wand again, as if he's hesitating?

Then Mcgonagall attacks him with a non-verbal confringo, Snape just defends himself. Another confringo, another, another, another, another, another, more appear and Snape directs them to the death eaters behind him, weird...

He then becomes in his death eater form and flies out of the window 'COWARD!' Mcgonagall shouts after him. People start cheering as Mcgonagall lights up all the firepits.

'Harry' I hear Voldemort whisper, I start to lose balance and quickly sit down 'Potter?' I hear a faint Mcgonagall, but now everyone stopped with cheering.

Suddenly someone screams and I quickly stand up, walking through the students, now an another girl stars screaming, I quickly walk towards the sound, a little girl, covering her ears while screaming loudly. And another girl, on the other side, is screaming.

Captivated by their love ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix and Narcissa BlackМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя