12. The Yule ball

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-Y/n's pov-

'so Y/n, who are you going to ask?' Pansy asks 'I have honestly no idea' I say and the girls laugh 'you need to have a date, because you'll have the first dance' Millicent explains

'I saw that Krum was drooling over you, maybe you could get him as your date' Astoria says and I roll my eyes 'no way, he's head over heels over Hermione' I tell them

'Hermione? That mudblood, no way Viktor Krum is liking her' Crabbe says 'anyway, onto clothes. What are y'all gonna wear?' Pansy then asks

'I have no idea actually' I say 'oh about that, Y/n, my mother had sent something for us' Draco then says 'she did?' I ask and we stand up 'yeah she did, I'll grab it for you' he says and leaves

'why would his mother give you a dress?' Goyle then asks 'well I'm always there, maybe she did it to show kindness?' I say questioningly

Draco then comes back, handing me a box 'it's everything, with accessories' he explains, the girls all stand around me and I open the box, we all gasp, it's amazing 'Draco this is amazing' I say

'oh my gosh, I am jealous' Pansy says 'now not only Krum will drool over you' Astoria says and we laugh 'wait show me' he says and I turn the box around so he can see it

'that is honestly amazing!' he says and I laugh 'it is' I say and smile to myself, Cissa really let someone make this for me, specially for me.


So my date is Stefan Krasimira, one of the durmstrang students, he's a friend of Krum and pretty nice. Tonight is the yule ball and I am getting ready with Astoria and Pansy. I get into my dress and show it to them 'and?' I ask as I turn around

Their eyes widen 'OH MY GOD!' Pansy shouts 'IT'S AMAZING!' Astoria screams, causing me to laugh and the boys to run into the room

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Their eyes widen 'OH MY GOD!' Pansy shouts 'IT'S AMAZING!' Astoria screams, causing me to laugh and the boys to run into the room.

'hey boys' I say and laugh, their jaws are on the ground because of the dress 'holy shit' Blaise mutters, and I smirk at them.

'so, what do y'all think?' I ask and make a twirl 'it is amazing, Y/n' Draco says 'Stefan will faint once he sees you' Astoria says and I laugh


I walk down the stairs 'she's beautiful' I hear people say, Stefan is waiting for me and I arrive at him, he stands in front of me and holds his arm out of me, but then miss Mcgonagall comes towards me

'Y/n. Are you and Mr. Krasimira ready?' she asks 'ready for what professor?' I ask 'To dance. It's traditional that the three champions or in this case four are the first to dance. Surely I told you that.' she says 'oh the dance, no you didn't tell me but I knew' I say and we stand ready.

We get inside and everyone claps. We stand in the middle and start dancing, Stefan is a great dancer and a good companion, I can talk with him and it's fun. After the dance we just party.

I notice Harry and Ron sitting on chairs with the Patil twins, well one of them is now getting snatched away by a durmstrang student.

'I'll get some drinks for us' Stefan says and I walk with him for a bit, he then walks away and I sit down next to Hermione, who is talking

'Hot isn't it? Viktor's gone to get drinks. Care to join us?' she says 'No, we'd NOT care to join you and Viktor.' Ron says and I frown, Hermione looks at me for a moment 'What's got your wand in a knot?' I ask

'He's a Durmstrang. You're fraternising with the enemy.' Ron says 'wait, what is going on?' I ask 'The enemy?? Who was it wanting his autograph? Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international magical cooperation, to make friends.' Hermione says

'Hrmph, I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind.' Ron mutters, Hermione grabs my hand and we walk away

'what has he up his arse?!' I ask 'I don't know but he's bloody annoying' she says and I chuckle, both Stefan and Viktor walk towards us, causing us to go with our own date.


'so, I have no idea what I have to do for the next task' I tell Hermione 'really Y/n!? you told me you'd figured the egg out weeks ago. The task is two days from now.' Hermione says 'Really? I had no idea. I suppose Viktor's already figured it out.' I say

'I wouldn't know, we didn't actually talk about the tournament. Actually we didn't really talk at all, Viktor's more of a physical being. I just mean he's not particularly... Mostly he watches me study. It's a bit annoying actually. You are trying to figure this egg out aren't you?' she explains

'What's that supposed to mean?' I ask her 'I mean these tasks are supposed to test you, in the most brutal way they're almost cruel. And um, I'm scared for you. You got by the dragon mostly on nerve, I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time.' she says and I chuckle

'Y/n!' I suddenly hear Cedric 'hey Ced' I say 'Look I realise I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons.' he says

'Forget about it, it's nothing. I'm sure you would have done the same for me.' I tell him 'Exactly. You know the prefects bathroom on the fifth floor?' he says

'hm. Yeah?' I ask 'Just take your egg there and mull things over in the hot water.' he says and I frown 'uhm sure, thanks' I say.

Captivated by their love ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix and Narcissa BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora