6. Basalisk

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-Y/n's pov-

Voldemort then raises his hand towards the statue and talks parselmouth, commanding the snake to go after Harry.

'This. Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter. It only obeys me!' Voldemort says and the snake goes after Harry. Now I realise he's going after Harry, why only Harry while I am also here?

I am also a threat for him but no, the snake isn't going after me, Voldemort doesn't even do something about me, is that really because Harry defeated Voldemort? Or is it because something else?

Suddenly the phoenix attacks the basilisk and Voldemort looks at it, I shoot a strong spell at him sending him flying 

'you dare attack your blood!' he shouts and my eyes widen 'I ain't your blood!' I shout back and he just laughs 'you'll find out sooner or later' he says and turns away from me, then he realises that the phoenix has blinded the snake 

'No! Your bird may have blinded the basilisk, but it can still hear you!' he shouts at Harry, while blocking my spell.

After a few minutes of fighting, I am almost worn out, Voldemort isn't, it's easy for him, he only protects. I then stop shooting my spells as Harry is back with us.

'Yes, Potter, the process is nearly complete. In a few minutes Ginny will be dead, and I will cease to be a memory. Lord Voldemort will return- very... much... alive!' he says and my eyes widen, I totally forgot about Ginny for a moment.

'Ginny' Harry says, suddenly the basilisk comes out of the water and the sword of gryffindor appears in the hat. Harry doesn't think twice and grabs it, he fights with the basilisk and actually manages to kill it.

Harry comes down the statue and I run towards him, he has been hit in his arm 'you okay?' I ask and he nods, but then he falls next to Ginny, exhausted

'Remarkable isn't it, how quickly the venom of the basilisk penetrates the body? I'd guess you have little more than a minute to live.You'll be with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry. Funny, the damage a silly little book can do... especially in the hands of a silly, little girl.' Voldemort says

I then notice the diary, I grab it and Harry looks at me, he hands me the basilisk fang 'What are you doing? Stop. No!' he says and I stab the diary, causing Voldemort to shout as he disappears. 

Ginny then awakes 'Gin!' I say and hug her 'Y/n, Harry. It was me- but I swear, I didn't mean to! Riddle made me, ' she starts 'it's okay' I say 'Harry you're hurt' she then says 

'Don't worry. Ginny, you need to get yourself out. Follow the Chamber,and you'll find Ron.' he says and the phoenix lands next to us 

'You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just wasn't quick enough...' he says but then the phoenix leans over Harry's arm and lets out a few tears 'Of course! Phoenix tears have healing powers. Thanks! It's alright,Ginny. It's over. It's just a memory.' Harry says. 


okayyy, now we're in Dumbledore's office, Ron, Harry and I 'You three realise, of course, that in the past few hours you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules?' he asks

'Yes, sir.' we say 'And there is sufficient evidence to have you three expelled.' he says 'Yes, sir.' we repeat 'Therefore, it is only fitting, that you both receive Special Awards for Services to the School.' he says and we look at each other 'thanks sir!' we say

'And now, Mr. Weasley and Ms. Potter, if you would, have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban? I believe we- we want our gamekeeper back.' he says and we walk away.


'so yeah, I was with Harry and Ron, we realised it was a basilisk and got to work, we went with Lockhart to the bathroom where moaning Myrtle was, she told us how she died and we realised it was the basilisk, I noticed a serpent on one of the sinks.' I start to explain the story to my friends 'that's already so cool' Draco says and I nod 

'so Harry said something in Parseltongue, and an entrance appeared, we got down, fought with Lockhart and got seperated, Harry and I went further and went through a door, there was a big area, we saw a statue of Salazar Slytherin and Ginny laying in front of it. Then Tom Riddle came' I say and they frown 'who is Tom Riddle?' they ask 

'you'll never believe it, but that is Voldemort, but it was a memory, from a diary or something. Anyway, he summoned the basilisk and it went after Harry, and this is the part that confuses me, it didn't even look at me, it only had eyes for Harry, that's weird right? I mean we're both a threat for Voldemort.' I say and they nod 'that's weird' Draco says and leans back 

'anyway, now it's becoming weird. I attacked Voldemort and he shouted something with attacking your own blood. What does he mean with that? I ain't related to him' I say 'that is very weird' Pansy says 

'yeah, so anyway, Harry defeated that monster but he got hit, one of those basilisk fangs in his arm. Anyway, long story short, we defeated Voldemort, although a memory of Voldemort.' I explain 

'a memory? what do you mean with memory?' Millicent asks 'I don't really know. But I know that he was connected with the diary, anyway it's complicated' I say 'yeah say that' Blaise says and we all laugh.

Captivated by their love ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix and Narcissa BlackWhere stories live. Discover now