9. Death eaters

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-Y/n's pov-

The incident with Peter Pettigrew was weeks ago, I have spend my entire summer with Draco and his parents, it's amazing, I really like them, mostly Cissa, she's so sweet and I enjoy spending time with her.

So, today Draco, Lucius and I are going to the Quidditch world cup, honestly it's amazing, it's something you'd have to see once.

I am in my room, preparing. I am wearing a nice black dress, chosen by Narcissa, she had someone that made it for me, I told her it wasn't necessary but she insisted. It's very beautiful.

There is knock on my door 'come in' I tell the person outside while I am putting in my earrings 'hello dear' it's Narcissa 'hello Cissa' I say and she stands behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders.

'you look beautiful, a bit too beautiful for just a quidditch match' she says, causing me to chuckle and blush, her hands make patterns on my shoulders 'are you ready, the boys are waiting' she says 'oh yeah, sorry, just putting in my earrings.' I tell her 

'don't worry, they can wait for a few minutes' she says and I chuckle. I am ready and stand up, she stands in front of me and fixes my hair 'you look amazing' she says 

'thank you, I really love the dress' I tell her 'I'll tell my stylist that, I'll let her make more clothes for you, more often' she says and I smile 

'that's really sweet but no need for that' I tell her 'I insist, honey' she says and I chuckle 'I ain't winning this argument, am I?' I ask her 'nope you ain't ' she says and we laugh 'let's go downstairs' she says and I nod. 


'blimey how far up are we?' I suddenly hear someones voice, it's Ron 'well, put it this way, if it rains, you'll be the first to know' Lucius says, causing Draco and I to chuckle

'Father, Y/n and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself.' Draco explains and wraps his arm around my shoulders, smirking at me. I roll my eyes at his goofiness. 

'Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people.' Lucius then says and puts his walking stick on Harry's hand 'Do enjoy yourself won't you. While you can.' Lucius says.

We sit down in our seats and the Irish team comes flying in 'look. Troy, Mullet, Moran!' I tell Draco and we're both excited.

'Good evening! It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. Let the match begin!' the minister of magic announces


It's the end and Lucius had to do something so Draco and I had to stay at the stadium, we're looking out on the spot where all the supporters are staying, in tents.

While we just apparate back to the manor. Suddenly people start shouting and I see fire 'there is fire' I then say and Draco look at it

'probably some prick that don't know how to go with fire' he says and I look around, people in black cloaks 'I don't think they're supporters, look, people in black cloaks' I say and he sights them 'we have to go' he says and grabs my hand. 

'but wait, my brother is there somewhere!' I say but Draco just pulls me with him. He then apparates us back home 'you can apparate?' I ask and he nods 'no.. We have to go back, Harry and the others are still there, maybe he's in trouble' I start to ramble 

'Y/n. We weren't safe and your safety is much more important to me than his' he says 'ah I thought I heard voices, where is your father?' It's Cissa

'there were people in black cloaks, setting everything on fire' I tell her and she looks at Draco 'don't you worry, dear. Now you two off to bed, it's already late' she says.

We walk upstairs and I go to my room, but I can't sleep, I am walking around in my room, who were those men in black cloaks, is Harry alright and why did we have to go so suddenly.

Then my door opens and it startles me 'I am sorry to startle you dear' it's Cissa 'don't worry about it' I tell her and sit down on my bed, my leg is bouncing 

'are you worried?' she asks and stands in front of me, I look up at her and nod 'my brother was out there' I tell her 'he'll be fine' she says coldly 'but maybe he's in trouble, I-' I start 

'Y/n, stop. It'll be fine.' she says harshly 'I-I am sorry' I tell her and look out of the window 'honey, it's fine, you don't have to worry about that boy' she says

'but he's my brother' I tell her and she takes a deep breath 'you'll find out soon enough' she says and walks away 'wait what?' I say and frown 'what will I find out?' I mutter. 

Captivated by their love ~ Y/n Potter x Bellatrix and Narcissa BlackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang