Chapter 3: Exterminating

Start from the beginning

He arrives at the dock to see a couple of White Fang grunts are loading the Dust onto the Bullhead. He narrow his eyes as the so-called "Protectors" aren't doing their fucking job. Bunch of glory-seeking assholes they are.

He started to walks toward them as they turn their head and pale at the sight of him.

White Fang Grunt 1: Oh no... Not him...

White Fang Grunt 2: The Asura... Why is he here...?

White Fang Grunt 3: I should quit the White Fang when I got a chance...

White Fang Lieutenant: Why are you all afraid off! He's just one human!

White Fang Grunt 4: But sir! He's Kenji Tokita, The Asura... The Successor of Jin Kazama... The most wanted criminal in the world!

Kenji: Are you guys done pissing yourselves or what? I don't have time to deal with your shit.

White Fang Lieutenant: Why you... Get him!

With that, a few of the more Cocky White Fang grunts charged toward Kenji while the more intelligent ones knew that this would be just a losing battle, actually it wouldn't be a battle at all since they knew the power that Kenji had. No one has ever defeated the The Asura in combat before, those who even came close to putting up a "Decent" challenge to him still lost their lives.

And Kenji wouldn't even use his powers because he thinks it would be a waste if he used them on the White Fangs and many more weaklings.

Kenji stretches his neck, puts on his sleeping mask and fought them off easily without breaking a sweat.

Kenji stretches his neck, puts on his sleeping mask and fought them off easily without breaking a sweat

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No matter how many times the White Fang charged at him, or how many times they kept getting back up. Kenji would still take them down like the cannon fodder they were.

It was kinda embarassing the more he thought about it, they should really get better at their job if they were gonna be an evil orginization.

The White Fang Lieutenant gritted his teeth as he grabbed a Grunt.

White Fang Lieutenant: Why aren't you lot killing him!? It shouldn't be this hard!

White Fang Grunt: B-but sir, He's th-

White Fang Lieutenant: I don't care who he is, just kill him already or you'll have to deal with me!

The White Fang Lieutenant then proccedded to throw the grunt toward the battle, before going back to cross his arms.

Kenji: Hm?

Kenji took a peek and sees a grunt holding his weapon shaking in fear which made him deadpan as he felt pity for this guy being pushed around by his boss and forced to fight him.

Kenji:.......Ugh, I don't have the courage to fight you.

Kenji procceded to pat the grunts shoulder as he walked passed him, the poor grunt gulped as he thought he was gonna die right there and then.

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